Thursday, April 5, 2018

RWD Weekly #303 — Service Workers are here (iOS)

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Hello everyone and welcome back to the regularly scheduled Friday newsletter.

Big, big, big news this week.

For a long time I've been waiting for this to happen so that a few of my websites would immediately become better overnight and a few days ago that finally happened.

With the release of iOS 11.3 and the latest MacOS we now have Service Worker support in Safari, which means we now have the ability to provide Progressive Web Apps to both Android devices and iPhones. If you weren't pushing PWA's before, now's the time to start including it as a common addon for your web projects (in the same way tha everything we do now is responsive, everything should also consider the offline aspects).

Last week I posted a link and asked a question around the pricing of newsletters. A few people wrote back to ask where the poll was which made sense when I re-read what I had written. Although it was more of a rhetorical question, I'm interested in what you really think so I've included it as a poll this week.

For your newsletter subscriptions would you rather (click on one below, you can only vote once)
1. Pay weekly to receive a paid-for only newsletter (no sponsors)    2. Pay weekly to receive a free newsletter (no sponsors if you pay)    3. Receive a free newsletter, but have labeled sponsors within the content    4. None, I want free content with no ads.
Like I said, don't worry the RWD Weekly will continue to be free (but with paid labeled sponsors that I approve).

Off to the links.


Creating Themeable Design Systems

Brad looks at how we can layer CSS variables on top of each other to allow you to build out design systems that can be easily themed. This is perfect when you're working with someone that needs a consistent approach but has a number of brands that need their individual look and feel.

Everything You Know About Web Design Just Changed

Jeremy's notes on what was the big climax to the An Event Apart Seattle conference. I like the idea of giving these things a name to provide a frame of reference, in this case Intrinsic Design, however with the frequent changes to the web these days it feels as though it's always going to be web design but with the latest tools.

Jenn teaches CSS Grids at Front End Masters

Master CSS Grid and Flexbox - Sale

Master CSS Grid and Flexbox, the latest tools and tricks to layout beautiful, responsive web applications with less code by Jen Kramer at Frontend Masters.

This course and others like it are available as part of the Frontend Masters video subscription. Subscribe and Save to Frontend Masters during the Spring Sale and start learning CSS Grid Now!
Register now


A Quick Way to Remember the Difference Between `justify-content` and `align-items`

I'm the same as Robin and use to always forget these. My way of remembering which one is which is going back to left align, right align, or justifying text. When you justify text it stretches it across the horizontal axis. Robin's approach is different, but what ever works for you (and stops the inevitable visit to CSS Tricks to remind yourself

The Way of the Web

Seeing as Jeremy has covered everyone else's talks at the Event Apart this week, I thought we should include Luke Wroblewski's take on Jeremy's talk :)

Thinking Inside the Box

A great use of AR. Over the next 2-3 years you're going to see implementations like this more and more until we will wonder how we ever lived without it.

Mozilla Announces Firefox Reality, a VR / AR Browser

Mozilla is continuing their push on the WebVR and WebAR and have released a new browser specifically targeted at VR headsets.

Why design systems are a single point of failure

This article isn't about NOT using design systems because they can cause issues, but about understanding where things can possibly go wrong and how to negate those risks.

Designing New Ways to Give Context to News Stories

How the Facebook design team is trying to provide context around the news items that you get on Facebook Stories.

Progressive Web Apps on iOS are here ๐Ÿš€

With iOS 11.3, Apple has silently added support for the basic set of new technologies behind the idea of "Progressive Web Apps" (PWAs). It's time to see how they work, what are their abilities and challenges, and what do you need to know if you already have a published PWA.



The Critical Path: Optimizing Load Times With the Chrome DevTools

How to use the Chrome Dev tools to analyse your site and identify areas you can speed up to improve the overall load times.

Lazy Loading Images and Video

Images and video are incredibly important in delivering information to your users, but they come at a cost of load times and bandwidth. This article looks at ways to delay the download and improve your user's experience.

Introduction to HTML

HTML is one of the core building blocks on the web, as it's what holds the content on all the websites you visit. Thus, HTML is a must-have skill for all web developers.

Contextual styling with custom properties

Just like Brad's article this week, style up your themes with custom CSS properties (or is it CSS Custom properties :)

Analyzing Your Company's Social Media Presence With IBM Watson And Node.js

I'm fascinated by the benefits that we can get from machine learning and have been looking to include this in the websites we build to improve the user's experience. This tutorial shows you how to create your very own sentiment analysis system for your social media interaction using IBM Watson.

Calling all web developers: here's why you should be using Firefox

I've made the switch to Firefox for my regular web browsing (and Duck Duck Go for my searching) but I've still gone back to Chrome for their dev tools. The switch back to chrome is because I spent a LOT of time debugging sites in Chrome and am very comfortable with their dev tools, and I really like the performance audit aspects it offers. This tutorial covers a lot of the common tasks and how they can be done in Firefox, well worth a read.

How to build a calculator—part 2

My favourite way to learn new skills is through applied learning. This tutorial is the second in a three-part series where Zell teaches you how to create a calculator.


A great example of producing several layouts with the same HTML and updating a few lines of Grid CSS.


Tools & Resources



Create and share beautiful images of your source code.
Start typing or drop a file into the text area to get started.

Site Palette

A browser extension to generate comprehensive palettes. A must-have tool for designers and frontend developers. Free colour scheme extraction.

Braille Neue

Braille Neue is a new typeface that allows the typography and the braille to exist within the same physical space.

Going Offline

Jeremy has written a new book, this time all about Service Workers. With the release of the latest iOS update, this is a very very good purchase for you.



Responsive Images for a Better Cross-device Experience. Try ImageKit!'s real-time URL-based transformations and optimizations allow you to get started with responsive images on your website in minutes. No need to create and manage different versions of the same images on your own. does that for you to create a great visual experience across devices. Try now for free!
That's all from me this week. If you've read something interesting, or even better yet if you've written about something you've done please hit reply and share the love/knowledge/link. Happy Easter!


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