Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Setting up Streaming Replication in Postgres

#273 — September 12, 2018

Read on the Web

Postgres Weekly

Postgres 11 and Just In Time (JIT) Query Compilation — Postgres 11 includes a new JIT expression compiler which shows up to a 29.31% speed improvement executing TPC-H Q1 at a scale factor of 10 in 20.5s (instead of 29s with Postgres 10.)

Dimitri Fontaine

Setting up Streaming Replication in Postgres — Postgres's streaming replication functionality continuously sends write-ahead logs to other servers to keep them current. Here are the basic steps to set it up.

Avinash Vallarapu (Percona)

JackDB: A Modern Database Client for Postgres — JackDB is a web-based database client with built-in tools for security and collaboration. Sign up for a free trial today.

JackDB, Inc. sponsor

ZomboDB: Making Postgres and Elasticsearch Work Together — Brings powerful text-search and analytics features to Postgres by using Elasticsearch as an index type. It's in beta and integrates with Postgres' index access mechanisms.


What is the 'CHAR' Type Good For?"It's little used… and that's for a reason." Basically, you almost certainly don't need to use CHAR instead of VARCHAR and here's why.

Christophe Pettus

Upgrading to Postgres 11 with Logical Replication — Postgres 11 isn't quite here yet (beta 3 is the latest release) but if you want to be prepared..

Peter Eisentraut

Parallel PostGIS and PgSQL 11 — The forthcoming Postgres 11 opens up a lot of opportunities for improved parallel execution and this is also true with geospatial queries, though but there are consequences to consider.

Paul Ramsey

How to Create a 'Remove Duplicates' Trigger Function

Emery Silberman

Postgres Data Types You Should Consider Using — Postgres has a rich set of nearly 100 data types. Here's a rundown of a few that you may not be using yet but should consider.

Craig Kerstiens

Using Custom SQL Functions for Queries with Postgres and GraphQL — Run business logic in the database using custom SQL functions triggered by a GraphQL insert mutation when using Hasura's GraphQL engine.

Rikin Kachhia

Webinar 9/25 - Free Monitoring for PostgreSQL

Severalnines sponsor

pgsocket: A Simple TCP/IP Socket Client for Postgres 10 — An unusual extension but potentially of interest to someone. It lets you use a function in your queries to send TCP packets.

Abdul Yadi


PostgresConf Silicon Valley October 15-16 (San Jose, CA) The perfect opportunity for all walks of Postgres life to connect, lead and learn all about Postgres and the related ecosystem.

PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2018October 23-26 (Lisbon, Portugal) The 10th Annual PostgreSQL Conference Europe which will be held at the Lisbon Marriott Hotel.

FOSDEM PGDay 2019 February 1, 2019 (Brussels, Belgium) An extension to the regular PostgreSQL activities at FOSDEM.

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