Friday, June 30, 2017

#161: How Yelp Migrated to Elasticsearch

This week's database news - Read this on the Web

The Gutenberg Project

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No editorial for this edition, but I do have a quick note for everyone. If you're an active WordPress user, contributor, or developer, you should take a look at Gutenberg. Gutenberg is a new editor for WordPress that's been under development for some time, and it's creeping closer to release. Take a look! It's a more visual type of editor, but still retaining the ability to modify the code in a "plain text view".

It looks a bit like the sort of UI used by editors such as the Medium post editor, and would be quite a change from using the standard WordPress editor!

Take a look, and get familiar, maybe even take it for a test spin!

Jeff Smith
WordPress Editor


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#341: TC39, ECMAScript, and the Future of JavaScript

This week's JavaScript newsRead this e-mail on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
Issue 341 — June 30, 2017
A thorough explanation of how new features make it into JavaScript, before focusing on some practical examples including Array#includes, named captures, and lookbehind assertions in regexes.
Nicolás Bevacqua

Eric Bidelman runs through how to use Headless Chrome, using Karma as a runner and Mocha+Chai for authoring tests.
Google Developers

See the performance implications of using Lambda functions with a database-as-a-service like MongoDB Atlas.
MONGODB   Sponsor

The official spec for ES2017 (essentially the 8th edition of the JS spec) has been published in HTML and PDF if you’re lacking for bedtime reading.

A full-stack app framework built on React and GraphQL. It’s an evolution of Telescope but is becoming less Meteor-dependent.
Sacha Greif

A well presented tutorial site complete with rich, live editable examples.
James K Nelson

Includes support for cynamic import() expressions, string enums, & improved checking.

React Status is our React focused weekly. This week it includes a React Native starter kit and an introduction to Redux-first routing.
React Status

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In Brief

Babylon, Babel's JS Parser, To Support TypeScript news
Not a lot to see yet, but .ts support has been baked in.

Microsoft's 'Sonar' Linting Tool Joins the JS Foundation news
Check out Sonar’s homepage to learn more.
Kris Borchers

Using Source Maps to Debug Errors tutorial
Let's talk JavaScript Source Maps. What are they? How to enable source mapping? Why aren't they working?
ROLLBAR  Sponsor

Getting Started with Webpack 3 tutorial
João Augusto

The 'Best' Frontend JavaScript Interview Questions tutorial
Opinions will vary but if you do well at these, you’re in a strong position.
Boris Cherny

Build A Realtime Chart with Vue.js and Pusher tutorial
Yomi Eluwande

Unleash The Power of Angular Reactive Forms video
Oriented around live coding a form from scratch.
Nir Kaufman

Use AngularJS to Build a Fast and Secure Chat App 
PubNub gets your data anywhere in less than 0.25 seconds. It’s so easy with PubNub’s AngularJS library.
PubNub  Sponsor

Choosing A Frontend Framework in 2017 opinion
This Dot Labs

Why I'm Switching from React to Cycle.js opinion

An Up to Date List of TC39 Proposals and their Status tools
Nicolás Bevacqua

Search and Install npm Modules Automatically from the Atom Editor tools

Decaffeinate: Convert Your CoffeeScript to Modern JavaScript tools
A well established project that continues to get frequent updates.
Brian Donovan

Infinite Scroll v3: As Users Scroll, Automatically Load More tools
Note it’s both GPL3 and commercial.

Study: A Progressive, Client/Server AB Testing Library code
Dollar Shave Club

echarts: Powerful Charting and Visualization in the Browser code
Lots of demos here.

vanilla-tilt.js: A Dependency-Free, Smooth 3D Element Tilting Library code

RE:DOM: A Tiny (2KB) JS Library for Creating User Interfaces code
Juha Lindstedt

frontexpress: An Express.js-Style JavaScript Router for the Front-End code
Camel Aissani

ForwardJS Tickets on sale today 
ForwardJS  Sponsor

Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooperpress.

Like this? You may also enjoy: FrontEnd Focus : Node Weekly : React Status

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