From Around the Web Build a TCP chat with PHP and AMP In this tutorial, you'll learn to build an old school TCP chat with PHP and AMP. If you're not familiar with AMP, see here! [] Build a Slack bot with Botonomous Botonomous is a PHP framework for building Slack bots, and Slack's Event's API can be used to make the bot automatic and reactive. Check it out! [] Porting a Symfony 3 app for Flex Flex is a new tool for Symfony which focuses on making the framework easier to use and more approachable to newcomers. It'll also be used to kickstart more light-weight apps, meaning no more 300MB+ /vendor folders on a simple hello world app in Symfony. How hard do you think it is to port a Sym3 app to Flex? [] CakePHP 4 is coming! In an official blog post, CakePHP is revealed to be nearing version 4 soon. What's new and what's dead can be found out in the official post, so check it out! [] Developers who use spaces instead of tabs earn more? The StackOverflow survey revealed an interesting correlation - devs who use spaces over tabs seem to have higher earnings. However, what a lot of people don't understand is that correlation does not mean causation! Study this data with caution! [] Webpack Encore! A tool like webpack is extremely powerful, but also incredibly confusing and badly designed UX-wise. Laravel mix is one tool which wraps it in simplicity, and Webpack Encore is another, from the lab of Symfony. This one is a little different, though. See why! [] |
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