Thursday, July 12, 2018

A Framework for Building 'Hemiparasitic' DSLs

#407 — July 12, 2018

Read on the Web

Ruby Weekly

Generating Music with Sonic Pi and Ruby

Generating Music with Sonic Pi and RubySonic Pi is an amazing Ruby-based musical live coding environment (which could do with your support) and if you haven't yet given it a go, hopefully this will inspire you.

Jessica Garson

Yadriggy: A Framework for Building 'Hemiparasitic' DSLs — A 'hemiparastic' DSL is a type of embedded DSL that uses the host's language syntax (Ruby's, in this case) but is ultimately run externally. There's an example of Yadriggy C, a DSL that can offload computation from Ruby to C.

Shigeru Chiba

Long Term Support for Rails 2.3 and 3.2 — Rails LTS provides security patches for old versions of Ruby on Rails. Currently Rails 2.3 and Rails 3.2 are supported.

Rails LTS sponsor

A Proposal for MRI/CRuby to Get a Second Garbage Collected Heap — MRI uses one garbage collected managed heap and a manually allocated heap, but adding a second GC heap for very short lived 'transient' objects could provide significant performance gains.

Koichi Sasada

'Why I Recommend Against Using Cucumber' — Controversy alert! Cucumber is one of those tools that is used wrong more that it's used right. But even when it's used right, is it worth using at all? Mike McDermott counters (slightly) in The Real Value of Cucumber.

Jason Swett

Under the Hood of "Slurping" and Streaming Files in Ruby — This article focuses mostly on how Ruby's I/O package abstracts system calls to make streaming files simple.

Jeff Kreeftmeijer

Why You Too Should Learn Elixir — Though unfortunately we don't have a newsletter for it yet ;-)

Cezar Halmagean

๐Ÿ’ป Jobs

Remote Senior Full-Stack Rails Dev — If you love to deliver customer value quickly, appreciate usability and love shaping software from the ground up this is for you.

Year-Old Startup

For Societal Progress: Web Developer in Leipzig or Remote Needed — We are hiring a web developer. Put your experience to use in a meaningful context and develop complex, high-performance software.

about:source GmbH

Find A Job Through Vettery — Vettery matches top tech talent with fast-growing companies. Create your profile to get started.


๐Ÿ“˜ Tutorials

Improving Your Ruby Development Process with PryPry is a neat alternative to the standard IRB Ruby shell. This article walks through some of its features.

Tiago Parreira

A Look at Some Useful ActiveRecord Methods — Including map, pluck, uniq, sum, and update_all with examples and benchmarks.

Marcin Jakubowski

Write Bash/Zsh Tab Completion Scripts in Ruby

Saverio Miroddi

Ruby 2.6 Raises an Exception if 'else' Is Used Inside 'begin..end' Block Without 'rescue'

Rohan Pujari

Top 10 Ruby Errors and How to Fix Them

ROLLBAR sponsor

Queries on Rails: A Tour of Active Record and Arel

Pedro Rolo

๐Ÿ”ง Code & Tools

SimpleSerializer: Simple Ruby JSON Serialization DSL

William Makley

Staytus: An Open Source Service Status App

Adam Cooke

PgHero: A Performance Dashboard for Postgres — Built in Ruby.

Andrew Kane

Down: For Flexible Streaming and Downloading of Remote Files over HTTP

Janko Marohniฤ‡

StaleOptions: A Gem for Caching HTTP Responses

Nikolay Digaev

Track Ruby Performance in Real-Time — Get full-stack monitoring and alerting for Ruby apps and 200+ technology integrations. Try Datadog free.

Datadog sponsor

Spreadsheet Architect: Create Excel, OpenDocument or CSV Spreadsheets from Ruby Objects — We linked this a few issues ago but version 3 has just dropped with new features.

Weston Ganger

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