Hello there! I've just come back from the fantasitc Beyond Tellerrand Conference in Dusseldorf where I once again had The. Best. Time. During my stay there I met lots of wonderful people and was able to wach some incredible presentations, but I also spent a lot of time socialising with these folks and as a result I'm going to keep the introduction short and my sleep long :) I do have a link to all of the videos, so watch them now and enjoy and I'll include my overview of each talk next week. | | Headline Do you know the difference between building a website that works with and without javascript? Does it involve a <noscript> tag? This article explains the difference between using a noscript tag and building a website/interface that will work regardless if the javascript loads on a page. | | What would be the best way to learn and improve your skills? By looking over a designer or developer's shoulder! At SmashingConf Toronto taking place on June 26–27, they will let us do exactly that. All talks will be about running live coding and design sessions on stage, showing how speakers such as Dan Mall and Lea Verou, Rachel Andrew, and Sarah Soueidan design and build stuff — including pattern libraries setup, design workflows and shortcuts, debugging, naming conventions, and everything in between. | | Articles So this is weird/amazing/creepy. At Google IO they unveiled Google Duplex which allows you to accomplish tasks over the phone like booking a restaurant reservation. For example, let's say you invite 3 people to lunch on Google Calendar and then include the phone number of the restaurant. Technically, this tool can call the restaurant and have a proper conversation with them to book the reservation, and then update the invite with the results (if it needed updating). That's amazing, but I find it creepy that the person from the restaurant *thinks* they conversing with a human. What do you think? The other week I left a comment on someone's LinkedIn posts who was talking about removing analytics from websites. This week Jeremy discusses the options you have for Analytics that are NOT Google Analytics. There's a few newcomers in there, plus others that have sadly gone away (Mint). Check them out! Would a rose not smell as sweet if it were known by a different name? Would a media block not have media if it were called something else? Ethan doesn't really talk about the names we should use, but the approach to discovering the patterns and the discussion around their naming is important. How to spot the 5 studies startups need most A list apart a looking for contributors just like you to add to their long-standing publication. They want people that have a passion (that's you), who work on the web every day (that's also you), and have something to share with the rest of the community (seriously.... it's you!). Tutorials I'm really excited about the editing experience that Gutenberg is going to bring to Wordpress. You have the ability to customise the experience as well, and this tutorial takes you through those steps. CSS Grid — Responsive layouts and components Let's make a photo gallery responsive quickly and using very few lines of CSS. Jobs The Natural History Museum is looking for a Junior Web Developer to join the Digital Media and Marketing Department, working on the Museum's public-facing digital experience. The role is based at the Museum itself in South Kensington, London.Salary £31k, closing date 14th May 9 am. | | Finally I'm not sure why I've never featured these before, but the CodePen challenges are something that you should check out and participate. This week it's all about combining HTML elements and in this case it is the <ins> and <del> elements.
It was good to see you again this week, thanks for reading all the way down to the bottom. See you next week! Cheers, Justin. | | | |
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