I'll be taking a break next week, so see you in two weeks. Thankful for all 52,000+ of you! –kale #Favorites Dropbox Professional - Powerful tools to showcase your work //dropbox sponsored Tesla Roadster //tesla comments→ Tesla Semi //tesla comments→ How Firefox Got Fast Again //mozilla comments→ Code together in real time with Teletype for Atom //atom comments→ The fake Facebook profile industry //radio-canada comments→ RSS: there's nothing better //davidyat comments→ A Beginner´s Guide to Getting Things Done //zenkit comments→ I hate telephones //jameshfisher comments→ Skyrim rendered in text //medium comments→ The best laptop ever made //marco comments→ A Universe in One Line of Code with 10 PRINT //makeartwithpython comments→ A Very Long, Super-Nerdy NBA Podcast Is Making Money //bloomberg comments→ #Ask HN Best way to get started with AI? What are some interesting papers in CS for a beginner? What are best tools for web scraping? #Show HN Firefox 57.0 Released //mozilla comments→ Visual Studio Live Share //visualstudio comments→ Markdown Here – Write email in Markdown //markdown-here comments→ Datasette – Create and publish an API for SQLite databases //simonwillison comments→ SpeechBoard – Edit Podcasts from the Transcript //speechboard comments→ Arduino Death Clock //github comments→ Sanity – A Headless CMS Construction Kit in JavaScript //sanity comments→ #Code How we do Vue at GitLab: one year later //gitlab comments→ JavaScript. The Core: 2nd Edition //dmitrysoshnikov comments→ Puffs: Parsing Untrusted File Formats Safely //github comments→ What is a Source Map //schneems comments→ Pspg – Postgres Pager //github comments→ #Data Developer preview of TensorFlow Lite //googleblog comments→ Confession as an AI researcher; seeking advice //reddit comments→ Analyzing Your Browser History Using Python and Pandas //github comments→ I built a LinearRegression that can play Pong with me //medium comments→ #Design Using SVG as image placeholders //medium comments→ Creating a presentation by hand using calligraphy //nibrahim comments→ CNN – 1996 Year in Review //cnn comments→ Designer Lynx – curated links to useful UI design resources //designerlynx comments→ #Learn A penetration tester's guide to sub-domain enumeration //appsecco comments→ The 3750 year old customer complaint letter //wikipedia comments→ The math and algorithms behind a search library //kabir comments→ Physics Has Demoted Mass //nautil comments→ The evolution of eyes //nationalgeographic comments→ High Arctic relocation //wikipedia comments→ #Watching Why I'm Digging Deep Into Alzheimer's //gatesnotes comments→ Biomimicry: How Designers Are Learning from the Natural World //99percentinvisible comments→ #Working Ask HN: What is your favorite place to find work? //ycombinator Brilliant Jerks in Engineering //brendangregg comments→ Try to see things from a manager's perspective //acm comments→ You're working in the wrong place if you're working in an open office //medium comments→ #Longreads All about whiteboard markers //medium comments→ The art of the dinner party //nytimes comments→ The Dead Man Fund //longreads comments→ #Fun Reasons the Jennifer Appel and Tasha Fuiava survival story smells fishy //unreasonablydangerousonionrings comments→ Halfbakery //halfbakery comments→ Elemental Haiku: An interactive review of the periodic table //sciencemag comments→ #Cutting Room Floor You don't normally see this section as it is optional. If you want more links each week, update your profile. If you want less... I can't help you. Voters say "yes" to city-run broadband in Colorado //arstechnica comments→ Intel ME is finally cracked //twitter comments→ Fearless Concurrency in Firefox Quantum //rust-lang comments→ Google Releases Colaboratory //google comments→ Learn just enough Linux to get things done //alexpetralia comments→ Apology after Japanese train departs 20 seconds early //bbc comments→ What Happened to Threadless? //racked comments→ Bill Gates buys land in Arizona to build 'smart city' //kgw comments→ Alibaba hits nearly $18B in 'Singles Day' orders in 12 hours //nytimes comments→ A Year of Tech Solidarity //civichall comments→ Why I won't be reviewing 'The Last Jedi,' or any other Disney movie, in advance //washingtonpost comments→ Interactive Charts with Go (GL) //medium comments→ Privacy Pass: A browser extension for anonymous authentication //medium comments→ |
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