#Favorites Datadog - Cloud-scale monitoring for infrastructure, applications, and logs //datadog sponsored GitLab Web IDE //gitlab comments→ Certificates for localhost //letsencrypt comments→ How I use Wireshark //jvns comments→ I discovered a browser bug //jakearchibald comments→ A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning – Part II //r2d3 comments→ Messi Walks Better Than Most Players Run //fivethirtyeight comments→ AT&T, Time Warner, and the Need for Neutrality //stratechery comments→ How Firefox is using Pocket to try to build a better news feed than Facebook //theverge comments→ The "Facebook Nevers" //500ish comments→ The Scooter Economy //stratechery comments→ #Ask HN Tell HN: I miss the old internet What is the first thing you implement at a new company? #Show HN Open Logos – Free logos for open source projects //openlogos comments→ Why Do I Procrastinate? – Web MD for Procrastination //whydoiprocrastinate comments→ Transfer.sh – File sharing from the command line //transfer comments→ App Maker, Google's low-code tool for building business apps, comes out of beta //techcrunch comments→ Posthook – Job Scheduling as a Service //posthook comments→ Strapdown.js – Instant and elegant Markdown documents //strapdownjs comments→ #Longreads Forgotten Employee //google comments→ Another World //filfre comments→ #Code YAML: probably not so great after all //arp242 comments→ React Native at Airbnb //medium comments→ Pulumi – A new open-source cloud development platform //joeduffyblog comments→ ActorDB – Distributed SQL database //github comments→ How to GraphQL – A Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL //howtographql comments→ Demand for Ruby on Rails is Still Huge //medium comments→ Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs //cloudimmunity comments→ #Data Machine Learning: The High Interest Credit Card of Technical Debt //ai comments→ Neural scene representation and rendering //deepmind comments→ DensePose – Dense Human Pose Estimation in the Wild //github comments→ ML5js: Friendly machine learning for the web //ml5js comments→ Improving Deep Learning Performance with AutoAugment //googleblog comments→ #Design The Garden of Earthly Delights by Jheronimus Bosch //ntr comments→ Make. It. Simple. Linux Desktop Usability //medium comments→ Design Tip: Never Use Black //ianstormtaylor comments→ The Art of Fooling the Eye //resobscura comments→ #Learn Fibonacci Hashing: The Optimization That the World Forgot //probablydance comments→ Goodhart's Law: When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure //wikipedia comments→ List of common misconceptions //wikipedia comments→ Kola Superdeep Borehole //wikipedia comments→ The dark story behind Stalin's popular photo with a Soviet girl //rbth comments→ #Books MIT Career Development Handbook [pdf] //mit comments→ Functional Data Structures //uwaterloo comments→ Breaking Up with James Joyce //sydneyreviewofbooks comments→ Humble Book Bundle: Programmable Boards by Make //humblebundle comments→ #Watching Macintosh Startup Sound History //youtube comments→ Companies die when they run out of creative people //youtube comments→ Boston Dynamics Shows Latest Advancements in Robotics at CEBIT 2018 //youtube comments→ #Startup News Twitter 'smytes' customers //techcrunch comments→ Behind the Tech with John Carmack: 5k Immersive Video //oculus comments→ Tell HN: We're bringing back the "Work at a Startup" event on Saturday July 28 //ycombinator comments→ #Fun Diablo devolved – magic behind the 1996 computer game //github comments→ World Airports Voronoi //jasondavies comments→ What do Unix command names stand for? //unixguide comments→ Yagol, a Game of Life sandbox built with React.js //github comments→ |
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