Thursday, June 21, 2018

RWD Weekly #314

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Hey everyone and welcome to another another edition of responsive design weekly.

Last week a few people asked me where they could click to see the IBM Watson career helper so apologies for not making that clear. The link was the feature image, but for those of you that were interested you can see the tool by clicking here.

Before we get started, if you're near Toronto and want to have an amazing week next week then check out the Smashing Event below, you'll even get the chance to pick up one of the limited edition conference notebooks.



The power of doing nothing at all

Sometimes by doing nothing at all will help you land a 500lb wildebeest. This article is from the creator of Jot Form who for a long time thought that to be successful you always had to be doing something. It's not always about moving and changing, sometimes a bit of time and patience can go a long way.

Smashing Conference Toronto Poster

SmashingConf Toronto (June 26-27)

What would be the best way to learn and improve your skills? By looking over a designer or developer's shoulder! At SmashingConf Toronto taking place on June 26–27, they will let us do exactly that. All talks will be about running live coding and design sessions on stage, showing how speakers such as Dan Mall and Lea Verou, Rachel Andrew, and Sarah Soueidan design and build stuff — including pattern libraries setup, design workflows and shortcuts, debugging, naming conventions, and everything in between.
Book your ticket today


First Input Delay shows how quickly your site responds to user interaction

First Input Delay (FID) was developed by Google to capture how quickly websites respond to user interaction. It's fairly simple to implement: We add event handlers for click, mousedown, keydown, pointerdown, and touchstart. When the user first interacts with the page in one of those ways, we measure the time between when the event happened and when the event handler was actually called. That delta is FID.

Foundation Release v6.5.0

Here we go! Foundation 6.5 is out now and comes with a lot of bug fixes and various improvements! This release is mainly focused on stabilizing the previous release, improving accessibility and browser support and making the integration with your project easier.

Web Animations in WebKit

With the release of Safari Technology Preview 59, WebKit have turned Web Animations on by default for us.

The three lessons that changed how I think about design systems

There's some great tips in here if you're looking to implement a design system. Start with an idea of where you're at by running an interface inventory and getting the right team in place. Make sure everyone is calling an atom an atom and an element an element, consistent understanding is key. There's also tips on the right tools and a reminder that design systems are never done.

UX Design Tools for 2018 (For Mac AND PC)

With so many different tools available it was great to see this article list out the best of breed for UX. It covers conception, wireframes, collaboration, prototyping, high fidelity designs, presentation and handoffs.

Bidirectional Scrolling is Here to Save Responsive Design

If you were hoping to get some code snippets on how to create some bidirectional scrolling I'll avoid the click bait and tell you it doesn't contain any. It covers off the ideas though, which I think are an intersting approach and we're already used to this interface through things like Netflix.

Resilient, Declarative, Contextual

This article looks at the three key characteristics of CSS which set it apart from conventional programming languages: it's resilient; it's declarative; and it's contextual.

Advice on getting your first job as a developer

If you're worried about getting your next job and are wondering how you can improve your chances then this will help a lot. My favourite tip is — do not lie. That, coincidently, is my favourite tip for life as well.



BEM For Beginners: Why You Need BEM

CSS styles isolation is the most frequent start point of the BEM usage. But this is the least that BEM can give you. BEM brings a system approach in your project and keeps it from the mess.

Generative Artistry

This site shows a series of generative art (three at the moment) and teaches you how to go through and reproduce this on the web

Create beautiful test-driven data visualisations with D3.js


8-Point Grid: Typography On The Web


Tools & Resources


Twitter's open source emoji has you covered for all your project's emoji needs. With support for the latest Unicode emoji specification, featuring 2,841 emojis, and all for free.

The Four Big Ways Jetpack Helps with Image Performance

Jetpack can help you improve the performance of your images if you're running wordpress. This is the same thing that a lot of the other image performance tools can do, but being built by automatic it fits in with wordpress quite nicely.

Container Query flow chart

Do you really need container queries?
I hope your team is doing well in the World Cup, I'm super excited about how well Australia has played!

Thanks to those that suggested some of the links for this week, if you have come across something that you found interesting, or have written yourself, hit reply and let me know.


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