New tutorials and articles Create and deploy a scoring model to predict heart rate failure This code pattern uses a Jupyter Notebook on IBM Watson Studio to build a predictive model that demonstrates a potential healthcare use case. This predictive model is deployed into production on Watson’s Machine Learning Service and invoked by a custom Node.js app running on a Cloud Foundry Runtime in IBM’s Cloud. Analyze open medical datasets to gain insights This pattern dives into a dataset that looks at opioid overdose deaths. Follow along to see how to explore this data in a Watson Studio notebook, visualize a few initial findings using Pixie Dust, and then use scikit-learn to train several models and evaluate which have the most accurate predictions of opioid prescriptions. Use MQTT to stream real-time data MQTT is a real-time publish-subscribe protocol that's well suited for efficient distribution of data. Using a series of microservices, you can convert existing open data about the NY State power grid into an open, real-time streaming service. Quickly create a hyper-secure database There are times when your DBaaS requires higher-level quality of service: when you are working with sensitive private information and encryption is key (pun intended!); when you experience unexpected peaks in demand -- such as when disaster strikes -- and need to scale on a dime; or when milliseconds count and latency is not an option. Correlate flight and weather data in augmented reality There is a lot of data floating in the air and you can grab it with a Software Defined Radio. It’s possible to track every nearby commercial flight with a simple Raspberry Pi sensor node, enhance the data with weather information, and render it with a mobile augmented reality display. Analyze traffic data from the city of San Francisco Create charts, graphs, and maps using open city datasets. With PixieDust, hosted on IBM Watson Studio, you can quickly create charts, graphs, and tables without complex code, in an interactive and dynamic manner. PixieApps are also used to embed UI elements directly in the Jupyter Notebook. Classify ICD-10 data with Watson This app was built to demonstrate IBM's Watson Natural Language Classifier. It uses the Watson Python SDK to create the classifier, list classifiers, and classify the input text. We also make use of the freely available ICD-10 API, which, given an ICD-10 code, returns a name and description. Analyze industrial equipment for defects This code pattern demonstrates how you can automate time-consuming industrial equipment inspection by using images of the equipment to show personnel which equipment requires attention so that it can be fixed to meet normal equipment standards. Create visualizations to understand food insecurity Food insecurity occurs when people do not have consistent access to affordable, nutritious food. We can make a real impact and educate others by visualizing our insights and predictions that have the most power to do social good. This pattern walks you through how to do just that, with IBM Watson Studio, pandas, PixieDust, and Watson Analytics. Popular videos
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