Thursday, June 14, 2018

Improving Ruby Concurrency

#403 — June 14, 2018

Read on the Web

Ruby Weekly

Ruby's External Malloc Problem — Discourse's Sam Saffron explores a "severe, extremely hard to debug vector for memory bloat in Ruby which can be triggered by the PG (Postgres) gem".

Sam Saffron

Improving Ruby Concurrency — Using Fibers and non-blocking operations, it's possible to dramatically increase concurrency in Ruby without the overhead of multi-threaded programming.

Samuel Williams

Productivity Meets Beauty—Learn Ruby Free for 10 Days — You can learn a lot in 10 days. Start a trial and get unlimited access to expert-led dev courses and more.

Pluralsight sponsor

Arel with Wharel: Virtual Rows for Active RecordWharel is a 31-line gem adding syntactic sugar to ActiveRecord models using Arel, inspired by Sequel.

Chris Salzberg

From ActiveRecord to Diesel (and Rust) — Using new tools means learning new things, so Pat chose to use Rust and Diesel for a task that he could have easily done with ActiveRecord.

Pat Shaughnessy

Adding Automated Speech Recognition for Phone Calls to Rails — Your Rails app could easily become a voice assistant with machine learning tools.

Daniel Phillips (Twilio)

▶  On Building Your Own RSpec: A Chat with Paweล‚ Dąbrowski

Ruby Rogues

Why Crystal Is My Next Language — This one comes from a Python developer who's been flirting with Ruby but wants things like a single binary and better performance.

Fotis Gimian

๐Ÿ’ป Jobs

Sr. Fullstack Engineer (Remote) — Sticker Mule is looking for passionate developers to join our remote team. Come help us become the Internet's best place to shop and work.

Sticker Mule

Ruby on Rails Developer at X-Team (Remote) — We help our developers keep learning and growing every day. Unleash your potential. Work from anywhere. Join X-Team.


Have You Tried Vettery? — Vettery matches top tech talent with fast-growing companies. Take a few minutes to join our platform.


๐Ÿ“˜ Tutorials

How to Write a Bundler Plugin — Add commands, handlers, or event-based callbacks to Bundler.

Samuel Giddins

Quick Tips for a Practical Rubocop WorkflowRubocop is a popular Ruby linting and code analysis tool.

Luca Guidi

How Drivy Uses Sidekiq Middleware — Drivvy needed to add some context data to their running jobs, so they used Sidekiq middleware, a carefully-managed "bad" practice, and some creativity.

Drivy Engineering

Webinar: Continuous Delivery with Docker, Kubernetes, and GoCD

GoCD sponsor

Simple Shortcuts to Get More Out of Bundler

Aaron Sumner

Using GraphQL with Rails

Vito Botta

Quick Tip: Use Beginnings and Ends of Strings in Regular Expressions — Be more secure with \A and \z when you really need to anchor to the start and end of strings.

Andy Croll

▶  How to Migrate from Heroku to Hatchbox.ioHatchbox is a (paid) tool that handles a lot of the ops around deploying Rails apps.


๐Ÿ”ง Code & Tools

Host Git Repository Servers w/ DigitalOcean's One-Click GitLab App — Save up to 55 percent by deploying GitLab on DigitalOcean. Get started today in as little as a few minutes.

DigitalOcean sponsor

Sho: An Experimental 'Post-Framework' View Library — An experiment to provide a view layer that is 'just Ruby'.

Victor Shepelev

Passenger 5.3.2: A Security Fix Release

Phusion Blog

Sinatra 2.0.2 and 2.0.3 Released

Kunpei Sakai

Wallaby: A Rails Engine for Managing Data/Admin Interface — A customizable Rails engine that allows you to manage data.


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