Friday, August 10, 2018

Amazon Aurora Serverless MySQL Generally Available

#216 — August 10, 2018

Read on the Web

Database Weekly

Amazon Aurora Serverless MySQL Generally Available — AWS is now bringing the scaling and billing flexibility of the serverless approach to MySQL in the shape of a serverless variety of its MySQL-compatible Aurora service.

Randall Hunt (Amazon)

Google Expands Its Cloud Firestore Beta to More Users — Google is expanding the availability of Cloud Firestore, its serverless NoSQL document database, adding new locations, features, and admin tools to the GCP console.

Dan McGrath (Google)

Monitoring Your PostgreSQL Database with Telegraf and InfluxDB — Learn how to use Telegraf (the agent for collecting and reporting metrics & events) and InfluxDB (the fastest growing open source TSDB) to monitor your PostgreSQL database.

InfluxData sponsor

Herb: Uber's Multi-DC Replication Engine for Its Schemaless DatastoreSchemaless is an interesting MySQL-based datastore Uber uses and here they share how they've made it resilient using their numerous datacenters and a technology called Herb.

Himank Chaudhary

An Introduction to MongoDB Transactions in PythonMongoDB 4.0's headline new feature was multi-document transaction support. This article demonstrates how transactions work from Python within an example app that emulates a flight ticket ordering scenario.

Joe Drumgoole (MongoDB)

Taking a Tour of PostgreSQL with Jonathan Katz — The co-organizer of NYC PostgreSQL User Group discusses how Postgres started and how it has grown over the years.

The Data Engineering Podcast

Microsoft Announces GA of Azure SQL Database 'Reserved Capacity' — A new pricing model allows Azure SQL users to adapt to their needs more flexibly.

Lindsey Allen (Microsoft)

Using Kubernetes to Deploy Postgres — How to run a PostgreSQL database on a Kubernetes cluster using Docker containerization.


Webinar: Building Modern Apps with the MERN Stack and Google Cloud Platform — Learn about the two dominant JavaScript stacks: MEAN and MERN and how to implement these web stacks on GCP.

MongoDB sponsor

SQL: Nested Window Functions and Time Series


Slashing a SQL Query's Runtime From 380 Hours to 12 with Two Unix Commands

Diomidis Spinellis

Larry Ellison Doubts Amazon Will Get Off Oracle by 2020? — "SAP couldn't do it. Salesforce couldn't do it. I don't think they can do it," said Oracle's chairman. Almost sounds like a challenge :-)

Jordan Novet (CNBC)

Introducing the Time Series Benchmark Suite (TSBS) — A collection of Go(lang) programs that can both generate time-series datasets and then benchmark the performance of different databases for working with them.

Rob Kiefer (Timescale)

Condenser: A Database Subsetting Tool for PostgreSQL"Subsetting a database means to take a subset of its rows, across multiple tables, while still maintaining all of the constraints of the original database."


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