Ever wished you were a fly on the wall of a top New York design agency? Well now's your chance. Heard at Work is a fun mini-site that publishes snippets of design wisdom overheard in NY studios. Clicking through is unexpectedly addictive.
It's a well-worn joke in the design industry that no self-respecting professional would countenance the use of Comic Sans. But Comic Sans wasn't the first font to provoke scorn from design fans. Way back in the 70s there was ITC Souvenir.
JavaScript is increasingly a must-know language for the web. Sooner or later every developer will need to code a full project with it. This great article reveals the 10 things that we all learn about JavaScript, with some excellent advice along the way.
Ghost 2.0 was released this week. In the last few years Ghost has grown from a small blogging script to a robust publishing platform. Version 2.0 is packed with new features, not least an entirely new writing and editing experience.
Our monthly roundup of the freshest new sites launched in the last four weeks includes e-commerce, complex products, and design agencies doing things differently. Browse through and grab yourself some inspiration.
Every designer is inside their own bubble, working through their process, and obsessing over details. It can hold you back, limiting your decision making. Hayden Dobson offers some excellent advice on popping the bubble.
Evernote have rebranded, evolving their long-established logo into a modern design system. This insider-view goes behind the scenes of the design process and answers the all important question: Are we killing the elephant?
All designers have their favourite fonts, the ones that we're itching to use on a new product. But there's a difference between fonts you like, and fonts that work. Icons8 have released this awesome comparison tool for fonts people actually use.
What do designers need in order to produce their best work? Sam Small argues that the answer is time and space, and asks what creatives need to do to nurture our productivity in the restrictive 9 to 5 work environment.
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