This week's JavaScript news
A blast from the past this week as we take some time out to ask Dr. Axel Rauschmayer, a former editor of JavaScript Weekly, some questions on the release of his new book, JavaScript for Impatient Programmers. You can find that further down in this issue :-) — Peter Cooper, editor | JavaScript Engine Fundamentals: Optimizing Prototypes — Having a deeper understanding of how JavaScript engines work can help you reason about the performance characteristics of your code and this diagram-rich post digs into engines optimize around JavaScript's use of prototype-based inheritance. Mathias Bynens | 💬 A Q&A with… Dr. Axel Rauschmayer JavaScript book author and trainer Munich, Germany To celebrate the release of his new book, JavaScript for Impatient Programmers, we've caught up with once-JavaScript Weekly editor Dr. Axel Rauschmayer to ask him a couple of questions: What is an 'impatient' programmer? I'm assuming that readers of my latest book are 'impatient' in the sense that they want to get started with JavaScript as quickly as possible. Most chapters are split into two parts. First, the basics, or what is the absolute minimum that you need to know? Then, more advanced stuff, or what should you know once you are more familiar with the language? This is the only book, that I'm aware of, that covers all of JavaScript, up to and including the very latest version (ES2018). That allowed me to omit old features that were superseded by better features in recent versions (but I do include references that explain the omitted features). What recent JavaScript features do you think are underused and deserve more attention? Three stand out for me: - In the category "boring, but important", I count modules and classes, because they provide standardization where we previously had competing and incompatible approaches.
- Built-in support for iteration is great, especially if combined with destructuring:
for (const [i, x] of arr.entries()) console.log(i, x); - Asynchronous functions and asynchronous iteration make asynchronous programming much more pleasant. They are the culmination of a standardization process that started with Promises in ES6.
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer is the author of JavaScript for Impatient Programmers — out now. | | 📅 Some forthcoming JavaScript events | | |
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