Thursday, August 30, 2018

RWD Weekly #324

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Hello again and welcome to this week's responsive design weekly newsletter.

This week we're looking a change to Google Chrome for Android users, how the UK Government is working with Voice and how you can get more semantic with your content today to help your own journey down this road. We're also featuring a couple of available and upcoming books and have some lovely Friday afternoon videos for you to watch on Container Queries and CSS Grid.

Let's get linking.


Disable scripts for Data Saver users on slow connections

This is a very cool idea and at first I was wondering how they were going to get around the issue on sites that require JavaScript to work — sites like Nasa for instance. Fortunately, there will be a an option for users to load the original site (and chew up their battery/bandwidth).

Sponsor Conference September 6th & 7th

Reasons to: is curated with that in mind, bringing content from many disciplines to give designers, coders, creatives, film makers, animators, installation builders, illustrators, artists and more the opportunity to see and hear new perspectives and the best content in the world.

I'm going to be there next week so I'm looking forward to seeing you there!


Hey GOV.UK, what are you doing about voice?

Going along with Aaron's article on semantic markup for a better voice experience this week the GDS tea have published their work on the same thing. So far they've implemented the structured data schemas standard across their Article, NewsArticle, and HowTo.

WordPress: State of the Web

With the new feature that the HTTP Archive has provided in allowing you to group the site statistics by CMS, we can see that the typical Wordpress site is heavier on mobile than it is on desktop. I suggest that this is a result of 100% width images loading on hight DPI screens, where on a desktop site the image is probably only 1/4 of the viewport width and not at retina.

Conversational Semantics

Aaron Gustafson goes through a range of different semantic markup practices that will put you in good stead for a better interaction with services like Cortana, Siri, and Alexa.

Design your front-end visually, no code required, with Mason

Mason is the first front-end as a service platform that says goodbye to the old way of building software.  With Mason, modern product teams collaborate in real time to craft their front-end from design to deployment in hours.  And, you're not constrained to a specific hosting environment, template, or rigid UI. Build what you need, with Mason.
// Sponsor


Tips and Tricks for Debugging in Chrome Developer Tools

There's some great tips in here from changing colour schemes to scrolling an element into view, and even taking a screenshot of a highlighted element within the dom.

Time-saving CSS techniques to create responsive images


Super-Powered Grid Components with CSS Custom Properties

Tools & Resources

Shrink Me

Compress JPG, PNG and WEBP Images — what really makes Shrink Me stand out, is that the service has: no Ads, is Free, is Fast and works Offline.

The Complete CSS Demo for OpenType Features


Inclusive Components: The Book

Inclusive Components examines common web UI patterns through the lens of inclusion. The aim is to find more accessible and robust solutions for the patterns we author, plug in, and use every day.


Solving container queries today

In this talk Greg explores the problem space that CSS based container queries creates for browsers due to the architecture of the pipeline. More importantly, he uses some newer JS APIs and clever CSS techniques to solve container query use cases.

CSS Grid in 45 Minutes!

A JavaScript guy talking about CSS at a PHP conference.


Thanks to those that suggested some of the links for this week, if you have come across something that you found interesting, or have written yourself, hit reply and let me know.


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