This Week's HTML5, CSS, Browser, and Frontend News
The Front-End Performance Checklist — An extensive list of things you should check or at least be aware of as a front-end developer trying to make your sites work as fast as possible. David Dias | Using Feature Detection to Write CSS with Cross-Browser Support — If you've been subscribed for a while, you'll have seen all manner of CSS modules - both established and experimental - mentioned here. Here's how to use the modules you want in a progressively enhanced way across browsers by using feature detection. Schalk Venter | - Collaborate, Plan, Track & Manage All in One Tool — What's it all about? Well, is about managing your workload professionally, planning ahead visually and communicating with the team. Once these points are set, have your champagne to celebrate the success of your team brand. | Best Practices for Mobile Form Design — A key goal as a Web developer is to make the process of filling out a form as easy as possible. This article shares a lot of practical techniques for designing effective mobile forms. Smashing Magazine | ▶ Solving Container Queries Today — Media queries let you define CSS to take effect upon certain viewport conditions, but container queries that work at the level of containing elements would also be useful. Official support isn't there yet but there are workarounds offering similar functionality. Greg Whitworth | A Native Lazy Load for the Web Platform — A new Chrome feature, 'Blink LazyLoad', was designed to dramatically improve performance by deferring the load of below-the-fold images and third-party IFRAMEs. Ben Schwarz | Extending the Browser with WebAssembly — WebAssembly opens up more options to extend the browser with new features. This article shows how to port the AV1 video decoder and play AV1 video in any modern browser. Alex Danilo (Google Developers) | |
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