Wednesday, August 22, 2018

AWS EC2 Introduces New T3 Instances

#180 — August 22, 2018

Read on the Web

Web Operations Weekly

Going from Serverless to Elixir — Recently a developer shared that an API Gateway + AWS Lambda that was costing $16K/mo was rewritten in Elixir and running nodes at 1% of the cost. Here's the full story.

Cory O'Daniel

AWS EC2 Introduces New T3 Instances — EC2's T instances are well known for being relatively cheap and providing burstable performance. T3 goes a step further with even cheaper options (starting at under a penny an hour) and seven size options all with unlimited bursting.

Jeff Barr (AWS)

Mux Video API - from the Creators of Video.js and Zencoder — Add scalable live and on-demand video to any app, using any web framework. Mux Video uses machine learning to host, encode, and deliver video more efficiently and at higher quality.

Mux sponsor

How to Deploy an App to Production with an Actual Button — A fun serverless-led tutorial on building a process that lets you deploy and release an app simply by pushing an Amazon 'Dash' button. AWS Lambda and the GitHub API are also used.

Anisha Gupta

Netlify Drop: Drag and Drop Static Hosting — Used to be a separate service called BitBalloon but Netlify, the static site hosting service, has added HTTPS and free custom domain support. Just drag a folder into the browser and get it hosted immediately.


What Do You Believe Now That You Didn't Five Years Ago? Centralized Wins. Decentralized Loses"Decentralized systems will continue to lose to centralized systems until there's a driver requiring decentralization to deliver a clearly superior consumer experience."

High Scalability

๐Ÿ’ป Jobs

Find A WebOps Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in dev roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.


๐Ÿ“˜ Tutorials

How to Debug a Node.js App in a Docker Container — catch bugs that cannot be revealed in any other way.

Tamas Kadlecsik

From Monolithic to Microservices: A Transformation Journey

Hamad AlJamaan

Build a Kubernetes Cluster on Google Cloud Platform with Terraform


3 Considerations for Your Microservices Configuration Strategy

GoCD sponsor

Scaling Rails at Instacart: Distributing Data Across Multiple Postgres Databases

Doug Hyde

Strategies for Microservices Communication

Jan Stenberg and Michael Plรถd

▶  Scaling Push Messaging for Millions of Devices at Netflix


๐Ÿ’ฌ Stories & Opinions

How Cloudflare Protects Customers from Cache Poisoning

Jon Levine

How Rust's Standard Library Was Vulnerable for Years and Nobody Noticed — Rust is a systems programming language that prides itself on memory safety and speed.

Sergey 'Shnatsel' Davidoff

Auth0's Architecture: Running on Multiple Cloud Providers and Regions — How a major authentication service platform architects its services to ensure scalability and high availability across 1.5 billion logins a month.

Dirceu Tiegs

Re-architecting Slack's Workspace Preferences: How to Move to an EAV Model to Support Scalability — Early design decisions can cause problems at large scale - an issue Slack is running into.

Alisha Ukani (Slack)

To Use AWS Well, You Need In-House DevOps Experience, Unlike GCP? (A Twitter Thread)

Andy Gayton on Twitter

Why Serverless is Being Adopted at a Faster Rate than Expected

Chip Childers

๐Ÿ”ง Tools & Code

C2Rust: C to Rust Translation and Refactoring

Eric Mertens (Galois, Inc.)

Dropbear SSH: A Lightweight Alternative to OpenSSH — Ideal for memory-constrained environments.


Discover DigitalOcean's Cloud Platform on Us with a $100 Credit

DigitalOcean sponsor

Jolie: A Programming Language Specifically for Microservices"Jolie crystallises the programming concepts of microservices as native language features"

The Jolie Team

Algo VPN: Ansible Scripts to Set Up a Personal IPSEC VPN in the Cloud

Trail of Bits

s3-meta: Gather Metadata About Your S3 Buckets

Isaac Whitfield

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