Thursday, August 31, 2017

RWD Weekly #274 APIs, more CSS Grid tips and tricks, design system, WCAG2.1 and much more.

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Reasons to - conference coming up in September 4-6th
Hello and welcome to RWD Weekly Edition #274.

Just a note to all the UK and European subscribers that is on next week and you should definitely come along and say hello! I'm in a mad dash at the moment to get through as much work as possible to clear out Monday-Wednesday next week so that I can sit back and soak in the conference.

Let's get linking!

This week I talk about why API's are a good place to starting thinking, we look at more CSS Grid tips and tricks, take a look at the design system, have a look at WCAG2.1 and much more.



APIs First

So while this has nothing to do with RWD I think it's a valuable way to think about building anything on the web. If you think about how you might need to extract content onto a web page (or app, or search engine, or widget on someone else's site) you start to break down in the individual components and think about how they might be useful, how they might relate to each other, how they might be queried etc. As you do this you begin to see other opportunities for the content, but you also realise you might need data applied to the content elements that isn't seen but needed to provide the right information at the right time. It's a really worthwhile thing to do.

Software development 450 words per minute

I found this to be an incredibly moving article. It has reminded me that I need to spend more time testing the code/content I produce for all methods of consumption.

State of the Browser

State of the Browser 2017 - 16th September

State of the Browser is a one-day, single-track conference with widely varying talks about the modern web. This year's loose theme is: Rise of the Browsers. Speakers include Peter Gasston, Peter O'Shaughnessy, and Seren Davies. The conference is in London, UK, and it's on a Saturday so you don't even need time off work. They're incredibly welcoming, I took Noah along to my first one when he was only 9 months and they looked after us both.
Use code 'RWD' for 25% off tickets


Progressively Worse Apps

This is a great point with the usability and potential issues with a page that loads progressively (rather than having a spinner until everything is ready). This isn't the fault of progressive web apps though, and I think the comparison between the two is unfair especially for me because I think of progressive web apps from the service worker and offline side of things which has no impact on anything in this article. That doesn't mean it's not a great article though, the layout issues and progressive loading issues are great points you should consider when you're designing your own interfaces.

A Progressive Roadmap for your Progressive Web App

Jason Grigsby talks through the cloud 4 timeline/road map on the way to progressive bliss.

A New!

woohoo, Brad has undertaken what many of us are too worried about — a redesign of our personal sites. There are some good reasons behind it and although it doesn't 'look' like a lot has changed as soon as Brad started talking about cleaning up content in WordPress I know there's a tonne of stuff that's gone on for this. This will have to be the next example up on our site.

Your logo is copied

An interesting look at some popular logos and where they might have been derived from in the past. This should give you the confidence, or at least wash away the worry, if your design might happen to resemble another one found on the web. The idea is that your iteration is better than the last.

Breaking Down a CSS Grid Layout

Understanding the CSS Grid Layout through a quick overview from Tim Wright.

The Complete Guide For Web VR and immersive experiences

When it comes to virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality, Austin has built a hands-on process for researching and creating immersive experiences using emerging technologies and now he is here to share with us his own personal experience.

Building a design system for

A deep dive on creating the design system in a large organisation. This post covers some of the bigger technical decisions that were made while developing the design system.

Things I've learnt so far from speaking at conferences

"Think about your presentation having a good narrative arc. Like a film. Unless that film is called Mamma Mia, which is s&*t." - Some very good advice there from Brendan Dawes about speaking and he's got a lot more. This may have been written a while ago but it all still reigns true.



The new way to test accessibility with Chrome DevTools

Chrome version 60 ships with an exciting new DevTools feature called Audits 2.0. This panel replaces the previous Audits panel with a new set of tests powered by Lighthouse. Lighthouse is a tool which checks for various performance and best practice metrics, including accessibility.

What's New in WCAG 2.1

I remember when WCAG2.0 came in and we all got out our testing tools to discover that we were really really bad at accessibility. Now that WCAG2.1 is almost upon us it's time to start learning what you need to do this time around, and fortunately, Adrian Roselli has got our backs with this awesome overview of everything you need to know.

Managing CSS & JS in an HTTP/2 World

This tutorial breaks down how you might approach loading CSS into your designs in a truly HTTP/2 world. If you're already building things via an atomic design approach then your SCSS files are likely to be broken down into similar components already.

Responsive SVG: What's Possible, and What Isn't?

What you need to consider when using SVGs in your responsive designs

Fonts out of control?

Learn how to organize your font collection to maintain consistency across your team's design workflow in this free webinar // sponsor

Resource & CodePen


Git Cheatsheet

Does what it says on the tin - a whole bunch of links to explanations to problems you're likely to run in to.

Vertical margins/paddings and Flexbox, a quirky combination


That's it for this week. I've started pulling together a talk for a conference coming up in October which I'm very excited about, a whole bunch of new learning is needed.

See you next week!


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Web Design Weekly — Issue #289

Web Design Weekly

ISSUE #289


Gain Motion Superpowers with requestAnimationFrame

Benjamin De Cock, User Interface Designer at Stripe dives into the power of `requestAnimationFrame` by sharing some first hand experience and great examples. (

Serve web fonts without JavaScript (


Managing CSS & JS in an HTTP/2 World

Delivering CSS & JS on your websites is completely different with HTTP/2. In this article Trevor Davis shares how his team approached it. (

Offline-Friendly Forms

Max Böck offers some great advice and tips to help make your forms handle bad internet connections. (

Solve Your Specificity Headaches With CSS Modules

In this tutorial Louie Rootfield looks into "CSS Modules" and how it can help us minimise various CSS problems. (

How to Run a Front-End Infrastructure Team

Jyri Tuulos talks about the human aspects of front-end projects that are shared between multiple engineering teams. (

Building UX Teams at Scale

A look inside Atlassian's bespoke hiring process and how they've built a thriving design culture. (

Why documentation matters

Having a hard time getting motivated to write some documentation for your project? Well hopefully this post will reinforce why you should and give you some handy tips to make it happen. (

JavaScript Scope and Closures

Zell Liew explains the ins and outs of scopes and closures to help you understand what they are. (

Dropbox Paper's newest features cater to designers (

Explaining React's license (

Tools / Resources

A Super Quick Way to Try out CSS Grid

Jen Simmons gives a 5 minute taste of CSS Grid with a few handy CodePen examples to make things a little easier to understand. If you haven't had time to dig into CSS Grid this is for you. (

Jetpack Professional - the only WordPress plugin you really need

Includes premium themes, business class security, and priority, expert support. (

Font Review Journal

A site aimed at designers who want to discover new typefaces to add to their arsenal, or those who want to learn to appreciate old favorites on a deeper level. (

Jest In Case

A Jest utility for creating variations of the same test developed by the talented James Kyle. (


A web developer focused podcast by Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski. So far every episode has been worth it. (

Capture screenshots of specific HTML nodes (

The State of the Web (


Software development 450 words per minute (

Our redesign of Medium's Claps (


Senior Product Designer at TripAdvisor

We are looking for a talented Senior UX/UI designer to design engaging experiences on TripAdvisor's web and mobile platforms for travelers worldwide. (

Product Designer at Trello

We're looking for a savvy product designer to join the Product Team at Trello. Your work will have an impact on how millions of people all over the world collaborate and organize their lives. (

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Last but not least…

How I replicated an $86 million project in 57 lines of code (

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Cheers, @jake_bresnehan

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