Thursday, August 17, 2017

✏ Issue #290: Fontface Ninja, Pantone’s Perfect Prince Purple, The Internet of Invisibles, Do You Need a Website? And more…

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Fontface Ninja

Fontface Ninja is a free browser extension that allows you to inspect, try, and bookmark any font on any website. If the font is available for free it will supply the download link, otherwise you'll get a link to buy the font. It's an awesome resource for designers who love typography, and fall in love with fonts at first-sight.

Should You Use a Webfont?

As designers, we appreciate fine typography; it's natural for us to reach for typefaces whenever we start a design process. But are there times when we shouldn't be using a webfont? David Gilbertson wants us to at least ask the question. His thorough article is essential reading for anyone inclined to make type the basis of their designs.


You can never have too many assets in your toolbox, but it is vital that you have the best. Stockio is a brand new stock site that features photos, vectors, videos, icons, and fonts, all free to download. Hand-picked from across the web, it's the perfect place to start looking, the next time you need design assets for a personal or commercial project.

Preventing Friction

Friction in design slows users down, and prevents your sites and apps from converting as well as they could. In this helpful article Nick Babich reveals how friction occurs, the times when friction can actually help, and gives us six strategies for minimising the amount of friction in your designs.

Pantone's Perfect Prince Purple

Think of the color purple, and you probably think first of Alice Walker's novel, closely followed by 80s and 90s megastar Prince who passed away in 2016. Pantone, never a company to shy away from labels, have identified Prince's perfect shade of purple, and dubbed it "Love Symbol #2".

Natural Gradients

Gradients are all the biggest design trend of 2017, but how do you keep your gradients fresh? The simple answer is to take inspiration from nature. Gradient World is a beautiful collection of gradients sourced from nature. Based on the colors in sunsets, forests, flowers, and more, there are dozens of options for any type of design project.

Building a Touch Bar App

Like most companies, Pixel Point dreamed of devoting some of their creative energy to realising one of their own ideas. But, like most of us, client work always took priority. In this 4 minute read, Vlad Kamelsky tells the story of their first Touch Bar app, from concept to realization, with some helpful tips along the way.

The Internet of Invisibles

Most people expect the next wave of technology to be the mass adoption of wearables, but tech is already working on their replacement: Invisibles. One of the first systems is a sleep sensing system that monitors you using radio waves to analyse your brain as you sleep. Soon, anyone anywhere will be able to monitor your brainwaves at will…

Do You Really Need a Website?

It's 2017, and a plethora of options exist for publishing online; from Medium to LinkedIn, Rachel Kaser argues that there are better options than publishing your own site. In this compact article, Kaser suggests that personal sites should be a thing of the past.

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