The final release of React 16 is here, with rewritten ‘Fiber’ internals. There’s a lot more React 16 stuff in today’s React Status newsletter. Facebook Code
Recently, there have been some issues involving patent-related features, but Facebook is now moving some of its projects to a standard MIT license. Facebook Code
JavaScript telemetry gives a timeline of browser events leading to an error, including interaction events, like clicks, inputs, navigation and console messages + more. Debug better w/ telemetry and know why your app crashed. ROLLBAR Sponsor
Draggable abstracts native browser events into a modular API for you to build custom, and potentially complex, drag and drop experiences. Shopify
Learning by building in action in this step-by-step tutorial to help you understand how Promises work. Trey Huffine
Wissam Abirached explains context and the this keyword in JavaScript, the difference between explicit and hard bindings and what the new keyword represents. Telerik Developer Network
It’s pitched at being an ideal step up for developers comfortable with jQuery who want to move on to something else. Mateusz Łuczak
Speakers Holly Schinsky & Jen Looper will be covering Vue & Preact next Thursday (Oct 5). Certified Fresh Events
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