Friday, September 29, 2017

Point of Vue

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Point of Vue


First up, how to conditionally apply CSS classes in Vue.js [sitepoint].

What's new with server-side rendering in React 16 [hackernoon].

Viro provides JavaScript developers with a platform for creating React AR apps [techcrunch].

Learn how JavaScript's Array#sort really works [alistapart]. It's rather unintuitive, apparently.

How AMP is changing the web [shopify].

Sitting on a Ruby Heap


Yahoo has open-sourced its recommendation engine, Vespa [cnbc]. This engine will not power your scooter, unfortunately.

Get grappling with WordPress action hooks [noupe].

Visualizing your Ruby heap [tenderlovemaking]. Probably more profitable to valuate it.

Measuring Swift compile times in Xcode 9 [jessesquires].

A scientific way to prioritize software development requirements [codingsans].

A Real Piece of Work

Jobs, positions, engagements, duties and assignments (mainly jobs)

Data architecture engineer [Doximity], San Francisco or remote.
Ionic developer [Clevertech], remote.
Software engineering team lead [Kickboard], remote.

Want your next open position here? You should! 45,000 very qualified readers will see it and a slightly smaller number of those will apply! Go here and place your ad [sitepoint].

Walk Down Memory Lane


How to design highly memorable experiences [sitepoint].

120+ places to find Creative Commons media [sitepoint]. That's about 115 more than you'll ever need.

Lessons on product design from echo [prototypr].

Don't Be Evil


W3C will publish a DRM standard after appeal fails, prompting the EFF to resign [boingboing].

Here's a collection of resources for engineers who are inexperienced marketers, but find themselves needing to market something [github].

FCC chairman Ajit Pai demanded Apple enable FM receivers in its iPhones, even though they no longer have FM receivers [macrumors].

Twitter has published a report on its Russian interference investigation [twitter].

Google is threatening to block the construction of 10,000 Mountain View units if the city doesn't give it more space for its new campus [curbed].

Coach Ballmer

Everything else

A former child recounts what it was like to be on Steve Ballmer's third grade basketball team [theringer].

Unsplash released an app [unsplash] that makes using its photos as wallpapers much easier.

Jimmy Iovine thinks Apple Music has a long way to go before it's a compelling offer [billboard].

Finally, a look at the Internet's impact on Myanmar's society [wired].


That's Versioning for Friday! I'll be back on Monday, after I've yelled "basketballers, basketballers, basketballers" at a court full of children. I feel like Steve would have done that.

Btw, I'm Joel. I work with Adam, who is off getting married for the next two weeks. I assume it'll only take him a day or so to get married, followed by 13 days of hangover recovery. I don't have Adam's black belt in tae-pun-do, but we'll try to keep things interesting until his return!

Curated by Adam Joel.

Wait, why am I here, what is this?

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