We're Giving Away $5,000+ of WordPress Security Products! (wpshout.com) Over the next couple of weeks WPShout's going to be focusing on WordPress Security, and they're kicking things off with a bit of fun: they've put together a huge prize draw of awesome WordPress security products (with some secure hosting thrown in too, for good measure).
Vue Project Launches Community Campaign on OpenCollective (wptavern.com) With the recent news that WordPress is abandoning React due to its BSD + Patents license, core contributors are now revisiting the discussion of the merits of other frameworks. Gutenberg development is currently on hold until a new library is chosen to replace React, and selection is likely to be imminent to prevent further delay. Vue is once again a strong contender with a recent surge in enthusiastic support in discussions on GitHub, Mullenweg's announcement, and social media posts.
Find the WordPress Live Chat Plugin of Your Dreams (11 Solutions) (kinsta.com) One way to satisfy a large chunk of your customers, while also decreasing the number of phone calls, is by finding a WordPress live chat plugin. Then, install it on your site to provide quick online chats for your customers. In this WordPress live chat plugin roundup, we'll uncover the pros and cons of each solution. Then, we'll explore things like pricing, feature-sets and which types of companies should consider each plugin.
20+ Best WordPress Themes That Work Great With Beaver Builder, Elementor and Visual Composer (www.codeinwp.com) Page builders such as Beaver Builder, Elementor and Visual Composer have changed a lot in the way people build their WordPress websites nowadays. In short, making sure that the theme you're getting supports the most popular builders has become one of the key pieces of the puzzle when searching for your next design. However, that doesn't mean that every single theme you find on the web is compatible with visual builders by default. That's where the post we have for you today comes into play.
Handling Form Submissions in WordPress with Admin-Post and Admin-Ajax (premium.wpmudev.org) WordPress provides incredible support for you to work with form submissions in your application. Whether you add a form in the admin or public facing areas, the built-in mechanism with the admin-post and admin-ajax scripts will allow you to handle your form requests efficiently. In this article, we'll show you how to handle custom form submissions using the WordPress API.
Creating A Charity WordPress Site: Your Complete Guide (www.anarieldesign.com) Creating a website for your charity or nonprofit can be a daunting task, but with WordPress it's a remarkably straightforward and affordable process. Whether you're building a website for the first time, or are a seasoned pro, there are always ways of making the website creation process easier: that's what this guide can help you with. This is your complete charity and nonprofit WordPress guide.
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