ISSUE #350 - 10th September 2017
Definitely a theme of organisational change this week, with posts on nudge theory, how to sell devops practices to your colleagues, building a reliability culture and a first-hand tale of changing tools and practices in a large software team. Enjoy.
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DevOps: Cultural and Tooling Tips Around the World
DevOps! One of the most abused terms in the software industry over the last few years. The term can mean something totally different, depending on your role, and your business. Watch this 30-minute "secret sauce" session to hear customer learnings and best practices from DevOps adopters around the world.
A super detailed post on optimizing web servers for high throughput and low latency. Lots of examples, explanations of what and why, and tools useful for anyone with a similar thorny optimisation problem.
Changing technology, and the processes around it, is an interesting topic in large organisations. This interesting post covers how one software organisation rolled out changes to code review and issue tracking.
The concept of game days is a useful way of testing out how your team would react to challenging circumstances. This post steps through one team's experience running a game day for their elasticsearch infrastructure, but it's interesting for anyone thinking about running one too.
Excellent presentation on building a culture of reliability. From the importance of business metrics to on-call via chatops and the importance of communication.
A solid post on how best to construct working groups to advise technical decision making. Some good examples of building processes that take into account how people communicate.
Devops likely involves changing behaviour across your team or organisation. But how best to do that? This post introduces nudge and shows examples of how one organisation manages tool and process changes.
Some good tips for selling your colleagues on adopting devops practices, or really any sort of change. Covers approaches to talking about why, as well as specific things you can do to sell your ideas.
CNCF - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon - Join leading Kubernetes, Docker, and Cloud Native technologists in Austin for a broad range of technical sessions on the cloud native ecosystem. We sold out in Berlin and are excited to see thousands of you from the community join us, this time in Austin!
All Day DevOps is coming up again on the 24th of October. The online conference aims to have 100 sessions spanning 24 hours, on topics including continuous delivery, modern infrastructure, automated security, and cultural transformations. It's also completely free.
Pumba is a tool for chaos testing in a Docker environment. Supports interfering with network traffic to simulate connectivity issues and stopping containers.
AWX provides a browser-based user interface and API for Ansible. It represents part of the Ansible Tower product, now available as an open source project.
Webhooks can be a useful way of integrating different software, but how best to run a set of hooks? Enter webhook. Describe hooks in a simple configuration file and point it ad executables and it exposes a simple HTTP/S interface to run them.
Acknowledge and resolve IT & DevOps alerts directly from Slack with the new native integration with VictorOps. Learn all about it here:
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