Latest developer resources Video series: Get started with the IBM Cloud In this four-part series, Doug Tidwell shows you how to start developing and deploying apps on the IBM Cloud platform. Part 1 shows you how to build a basic node.js application that includes a continuous delivery pipeline and a Cloudant NoSQL database. In Part 2, you create a more advanced application that displays a web form and updates the database. Part 3 helps you build a containerized version of the advanced application, using Docker and Kubernetes in the IBM Container Service. And Part 4 completes the series by showing you how to make a Node.js application that uses a microservice hosted on the IBM Cloud Functions serverless computing platform. Update: Minecraft and IBM Cloud, Part 4 Learn how to integrate Watson into Minecraft on IBM Cloud in the conclusion of this updated four-part series. See how you can add a little science to your game play by extending the Spigot server with a plugin that uses Watson cognitive services on IBM Cloud. Deploy a MongoDB replica set using the IBM Cloud Container Service Learn how StatefulSets help Kubernetes and Docker containers play nicely together. Peter Tuton shows you how to deploy a MongoDB replica set in the Kubernetes-based IBM Cloud Container Service. Plus, he outlines MongoDB's cluster requirements and shows how to deploy Kubernetes StatefulSets. Blog: How cloud, fog, and mist computing can work together Cloud, fog, and mist computing all have their strengths and weaknesses. As more devices get connected to the Internet, using these technologies correctly will help determine whether and how applications and systems can scale accordingly. Using Kubernetes secrets to manage credentials If you're deploying services in your Kubernetes clusters, the code behind those services most likely needs to use credentials to do its work. In this tutorial, Doug Tidwell shows you how to use Kubernetes secrets to deliver sensitive information like usernames and passwords to your code. Popular videos
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