Thursday, March 29, 2018

Web Design Weekly — Issue #313

Web Design Weekly

ISSUE #313


The Missing Building Blocks of the Web

At a time when millions are losing trust in the the web's biggest sites, it's worth revisiting the idea that the web was supposed to be made out of countless little sites. In this article Anil Dash looks into the neglected technologies that were supposed to make it possible. (

Using Ethics In Web Design

With every decision, we have the shared opportunity and responsibility to think about the ethics of web design, not just as a high flying ideal about doing no harm or doing the right thing, but as a fundamental part of our everyday process. (


Update on Async Rendering

Brian Vaughn shares some of the lessons the React team have learned while working on the update and async rendering features, plus some recipes to help prepare your components for the launch. (

How to Present Your Design to Stakeholders

If you happen to be in a position where you present your work to an audience in any manner this article by Christian Beck is a must read. So many great tips to help you execute the presentation well and elevate your work. (

JavaScript vs. TypeScript vs. ReasonML

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer looks into the pros and cons of the three programming languages. (

Bringing interactive examples to MDN (

Tools / Resources

How display: contents; Works

Once again Ire Aderinokun delivers a great in-depth post on a specific topic. This is your go-to piece to understand the inner details of display: content. (

Find your new favorite design course on for only $10.99

Don't sleep on this special offer. Stay on top of your 2018 goals with this sale that includes all of our best-selling courses for designers. (

How to improve your Sketch workflow

Emanuel Serbanoiu has compiled a short list of best practices that he actively uses in his daily routine that you might find useful. (

A Pragmatists's Guide to ReasonML (

Redux - Not Dead Yet (

React 16.3 Released (

D3.js 5.0 Released (


Design Trend: Offset + Overlapping Content Blocks (

Tips And Tricks To Work On The Road (


Senior Frontend Developer at Modern Tribe

Do you have a dog eared copy of 'Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja' beside your bed? Would you be excited to work on large scale WordPress projects that actually require your JavaScript skills? Would you be stoked to push the limits of where JavaScript and WordPress can play nicely together? (

Full-Stack Ruby on Rails Engineer at Car Next Door

We are looking to attract an experienced and self-motivated Full-Stack Ruby on Rails developer, to join a highly experienced development team as we scale up. The role would suit someone who wants to play a key part in the development team, working on exciting projects in one of Australia's most promising start-ups. (

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Last but not least…

Dealing with our fast paced industry (

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Cheers, @jake_bresnehan

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