Thursday, March 15, 2018

RWD Weekly #300 — Episode 300 with a few giveaways!

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A briefer history of time across four viewports
Well stick my fingers in a wall socket and call me shocked.  I can't quite believe that I'm sitting down on a Thursday night for the 300th time and writing an email to you.

Now before I get into the long thank you list below (I mention you too, I promise) there are a couple of free giveaways and discounts towards the end of the email so make sure you read it all and don't miss any clues.

Okay then, the thank you lists.....

Thank you to the Conferences that have reached out of the years with invites to come and share my thoughts at your events, especially the team at Adobe where although it is primarily a creativity conference you still carved out space for a technical talk on the web (yay the web).

Thank you to the online and offline publishers who asked for contributions to your publications, it's always an honour (and surprise) to be considered to be printed on actual paper ;)

Thank you to all the podcast guests over the years as well, especially those who we tee'd up the chat but for one reason or another never got to record (I've got a list, and I'm getting back in touch).

Thank you to the sponsors that supported the newsletter and allowed me to continue to afford to pay MailChimp to send you these emails every week. I know that sponsors get exposure as well, but you really do make it financially possible.

Thank you to the team at No Divide who did me a massive favour and went over and above the call of duty to redesign the site and make a beautiful (and fast) home for all the content.

Thank you to my family, my wonderful wife Laura, who has given up doing anything on a Thursday night for almost six years and always woken up early on a Friday morning to get the kids sorted after I inevitably stumbled into bed 2am after hitting 'schedule campaign'. Even family holidays are given 'newsletter time' to make sure we stay weekly!

And finally, more than anything else, a massive thank you to you for subscribing (I told you I wouldn't forget you)! Thanks to everyone that hits reply to the emails each week whether it's supporting words, recommended links or challenging my thoughts — I read and appreciate each and every word.

So yes, thank you!

Our featured image this week comes to some sadder times with the passing of Stephen Hawking this week. Professor Hawking defied all the odds by living far longer than anyone thought possible, and within that life developed new theories and helped paint a picture of the universe around us.

The featured site is a progressive web app of the Briefer History of Time book that I created as a side project and based off a (terrible) public PDF copy of the book. If you enjoy the book please purchase it through the Audible or Amazon links (neither are affiliate links). If you find something I could be doing better with the PWA, hit reply and let me know.

I've decided to keep the links light this week and spent a bit more time chasing up some freebies for you, I hope you like them. Let's get linking!

Smashing Conference in San Francisco — April 17-18
"Coming to Smashing Conferences fundamentally changed how I develop websites."
— Ryan Chittenden, Director of Web Development, Fuego Digital Media

With our third SmashingConf San Francisco taking place on April 17 & 18, we want to explore strategies for making outstanding, fast experiences, and what we all need to know today, to be more productive and make smarter decisions tomorrow.

Register for three days and save $100 off the cost of registering separately for the conference and the workshop. Check the speakers!
Register now


How BBC Interactive Content Works Across AMP, Apps, And The Web

With an ever-growing list of distribution areas for news sites, it can be difficult to create experiences that are the same on your website, Instant Articles, AMP, Apple News etc. Here's how the BBC is approaching the issues.

The web is under threat. Join us and fight for it.

March 12 was the World Wide Web's 29th birthday. Here's a message from our founder and web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee on what we need to ensure that everyone has access to a web worth having.

Standardizing lessons learned from AMP

I missed this by a whisker last week, but it's good to see that AMP is beginning to address the concerns of the web development community by allowing non-AMP web content to have the same instant loading and prominence in the search. Great, in theory.


As soon as the above article came out, Ethan was asking all the right questions and many that we were all likely thinking.

AMP is not the issue, it's Google

While we can complain about the perils of AMP (and I certainly do) it's not necessarily the AMP team we should be looking at. If you still use Google Search then you can help be part of the solution.



Swapping Images with the Sizes Attribute

Tricking the browser with some unusual approaches to the sizes attribute within Srcset

Tools & Resources


Open sourcing Resonance Audio

A big part of building really immersive experiences is ticking your brain into believing that you're really there. Sound can play a huge roll in that experience, and if you can ensure that the sound lines up with what is being seen then it makes an incredible difference. This SDK allows you to do just that.


Crazy SVG odometer effect library

30 Seconds of CSS

A curated collection of useful CSS snippets you can understand in 30 seconds or less.

St Patrick's Day sale: Enroll in over 50,000 online courses at Udemy for only $10.99 each!

Don't sleep on this special offer. Stay on top of your 2018 goals with this sale that includes all of our best-selling courses for designers. Pick your next course today.


Senior UX Designer (London)

This is an exciting opportunity to join Sainsbury's Experience Design team of digital craftspeople responsible for driving value for Sainsbury's customers and colleagues through a customer-centric, evidence-based design approach.

If you have a position you're looking to fill and want people just like you then get in touch so we can help you find someone through the newsletter.

300th Edition Gifts/Discounts

For the giveaways, I wanted to do something a little bit different. There are some which are discounts or freebies that everyone can get, but for the limited gifts, I'd ask that you nominate someone to receive the prize. Sure, you can nominate each other if you want, but the idea is that you probably know someone who could really benefit from something and they wouldn't have had the opportunity otherwise... think how good you'll feel :). I dont' want to you post a tweet or doing something viral, just hit reply to the email and let me know who and why someone should win.

RWD Interview Series contains Four Key Questions to more than 20 of the most influential minds in web design and development including Brad Frost, Tim Kadlec, Chris Coyier, Jeremy Keith, John Allsopp and more... Usually $6.99, you can download it for FREE with the code RWD300 (but just use the link and it will apply the discount automatically).

ImageCon from Cloudinary is giving away 5 free tickets to their event in San Franciso on April 12th, usually $199.  Hit reply and tell me who you think should get the ticket and why they're a great fit (note that this is for the conference only, flights & accommodation are not included).

Automating your Workflow — An automated workflow helps you out with tasks you do when creating websites. It can help you free up loads of time, and make projects fun again. We're giving away 5 copies of this book from Zell usually worth $74.

Mastering Responsive Typography — Want to build websites with good typography without using hacky CSS? We're giving away 5 copies of Zell's book so you learn exactly what he did over the past 2 years (but without the mistakes).

A Book Apart is offering the code RDW300 which is good for 10% off any ABA order (on top of any discounts you get for buying 2+ books). It's valid through June 30. We also have 2 prizes for a book of your choosing for free (including free shipping), just let me know which book you want for your friend and why.

Front End Masters are offering a 12-month free subscription (usually $390) to their courses for one lucky person. I'll go so far to say that this is the best online Front End course resource I've come across. Again, let me know who you think should get this and why.

And finally, you can pick yourself up some RWD Notebooks from my notebook company, BackPocket...
Set of Three RWD Notebooks
50% off set of 3 RWD Notebooks - only £6
There's just 62 sets of these left which doesn't go well into 29,147 subscribers. Use the code RWD300 to get 50% off — but be quick.
That's all from me this week. If you've read something interesting, or even better yet if you've written about something you've done please hit reply and share the love/knowledge/link.

Thank you one last time for an amazing 300 editions, can't wait to see you next week.


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