Monday, February 19, 2018

Character Assassination

Hopefully my AI clone is poorly schooled on my mother's maiden name.

Time Is On My Side (Yes It Is)

An update on Versioning

Hey ya'll, thought I'd give a quick update on how things are travelling in Versioning-land. I've been thrilled with the initial response - we've now got a little over 100 paying members! You're all incredible, thank you!

So, I'm actually going away from Wednesday, until March 5 (New Zealand weddings) so your crazy uncle Joel will be in charge while I'm gone, sending out Versioning as normal to you good people.

'Cos I won't be around, we're going to extend both the free period for OG members, and the $5/month or $50/year membership deal.

You'll now have until Friday March 9 to make a transition to a paying membership (and at this cheaper rate!), before you'll automatically become a free member and move to receiving free weekly updates only. Head here to do that thing.

I'll still send out Versioning tomorrow, so we can say our formal goodbyes then. Thanks again!

Flash in the Pan


First up, a listicle featuring 10 handy CSS Grid code snippets [speckyboy].

An update on CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2 [css-tricks].

How to make any web visualization interactive via pan and zoom [easypz].

Interesting idea! How to build a text-based adventure in Vue [raymondcamden].

Under Pressure


vim-anywhere [github/cknadler] lets you use Vim anywhere. There's actually another tool called "Vim, anywhere?" That one's for Emacs heads, and just displays a screen with the word "no".

gqlgen [github/vektah] is a tool for generating strictly typed GraphQL servers in Go.

Pressure.js [pressurejs] is a JavaScript library for handling Force Touch, 3D Touch and Point Pressure on the web.

You should use selectors in Redux [medium/@riccardoodone].

How to handle working with files in Laravel [scotch].

How to run a scalable, reliable GraphQL endpoint with Serverless [serverless].

Too Hot to Handle


An intro to the UI design concept of handlebars [uxdesign].

A guide to designing for augmented reality on mobile [medium/@goatsandbacon].

Sketch Isometric Plugin [github/sureskumar] generates isometric views from Artboards and Rectangles in Sketch.

First Class Treatment


Apple's fixed the Indian Telugu crash bug [arstechnica].

Speaking of bugs, the Facebook 2-factor authentication notifications sent out to people - they were caused by a bug [theverge].

A professional flight simulator mod developer was worried about piracy. So the developer team did the obvious: released an update to used that installed a tool that sucked up all saved Chrome passwords [arstechnica]. Standard anti-piracy stuff.

Apple's about to hand over operation of its iCloud data center in China to a third-party company. A piece on why this may help create a "cloud dictatorship" [hongkongfp].

No-one's teaching kids media literacy AKA how to spot fake news [theoutline]. And by "kids", I mean "everyone".

Why decentralization matters [medium/@cdixon]. A clear, concise summary of the history of the internet, an intro to decentralization as a concept, and an explanation of why it will win.

Postcards [designmodo] is a drag-and-drop email template builder from Designmodo.

If something is important, learn it repeatedly [raptitude]. If something is important, learn it repeatedly. If something is important, learn it repeatedly.

Putting It All Together

Everything else (apps, fun tools, gaming, culture, funny stuff)

Molly [molly] uses AI to create a digital copy of you, that you or other people can quiz 24/7. We all understand what we're doing here, right? That this is kind of a bad idea? Right?

How iFixit became amazing at iPhone teardowns [youtube/motherboard].

YouTubers are making their own versions of Elon Musk's Boring Company's flamethrower [motherboard.vice].

Non-verbal instructions in the style of IKEA assembly instructions [idea-instructions].

Finally, devs' most-common emoji choices [medium.freecodecamp].

There's today's dev and design links for ya. I'll have one more edition for you tomorrow, until I temporarily pass over the keys, so I'll see you then! Until then :)

Curated by Adam

This update is intended for a single subscriber, but occasional forwarding is fine.

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