Thursday, February 22, 2018

๐Ÿ“ Issue #317: Has Google Forked the Web? Really Bad UX Mistakes, Version Control for Designers, The UX of Disney, and more…

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The Perfect Website Proposal Template

Want to deliver better website proposals? Ones that actually get you the results you're hoping for? Get the "copy and paste" 9-part template to use for your next project. Download it free - AD

Has Google Forked the Web?

Google has announced AMP for email, an extension of its AMP project that brings greater interaction to email clients. On the surface it seems like a great leap forward, but not everyone is optimistic. Is AMP contrary to the spirit of open source? Has Google forked the web? Self-confessed "Email Guy" Jason Rodriguez investigates.

Best New Portfolio Sites

Every month designers and agencies launch new sites to promote their work. Some follow trends, others break new ground and adventure into new territory; all of them are worth consideration. Our monthly roundup showcases 20 of the best new portfolios, from leading web and product designers, released in the last four weeks.

No Frills Version Control

Version control for designers is the holy grail of the app industry, there are dozens of teams attempting it. is the latest attempt, and with a free account for freelancers it's worth considering. Aleksandra Kolesnikova explains the rationale behind their no-frills approach, and how to make the most of this resource.

Don't Break Things

Intercom is arguably one of the most respected startups of recent years, and in this detailed article David Lynch shares their approach. Opposed to the "Move Fast and Break Things" philosophy, Lynch argues that there are some things you should never break, like customers' trust, but that iteration is the key to successful products.

Tiny Tooltip

A vanilla JavaScript tooltip that's just 14kb gzipped, Tippy.js is incredibly simple to implement and is packed with dozens of options. You can specify placement, type of trigger, animation used to segue, different styles and themes; you can even tightly integrate with your own code using the built-in callbacks to detect states.

Really Bad UX Mistakes

We all make mistakes, even really great teams, and that isn't a bad thing because we have to make mistakes in order to learn. But what happens when we make really bad UX mistakes? When does our UX learning process cause permanent damage? The key could be correcting mistakes quickly, this article explains how.

How RWD Changed the World

Responsive web design is now the industry-standard approach to developing digital products. Without its viewport-agnostic approach web design would be largely untenable. But it wasn't always this way. In this revealing article from .net, Ethan Marcotte, who coined the term, argues why it's still the best solution for the web.

Share Design Systems

Design systems are a set of rules that establish a single source of truth for a design approach. They ensure whole teams are working to the same end-goal, and that products are consistent and usable. Lucid is a SaaS for designing and sharing design systems. Principles, guidelines, styles, components, and more can all be defined.

The UX of Disney

Disney is renowned for its attention to detail; its parks in particular leave nothing to chance, and the premium price of a ticket is as much for the user experience, as for the thrill rides and parades. In this insightful article Joe Tower explores the UX strategies of Disney, and asks how we can apply those lessons to our own design work.

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