The latest Postgres news, articles, tools, and projects.
CREATE STATISTICS, The Postgres 10 Feature You Didn't Know About — One key way Postgres's planner chooses how to handle a query is through statistics it has collected. In some cases you could make things more efficient by telling Postgres to collect the right statistics, and this is where CREATE STATISTICS comes in. Samay Sharma | PostgresConf US 2018: One Month Until National — PostgresConf US 2018 is around the corner. We are counting down the days until April 16 - 20 at the Westin Jersey City Newport, where hundreds of people from around the globe will be experiencing the largest Postgres conference event in North America. | PostgreSQL Meltdown Benchmarks — In January, people were worried about the performance effects of fixes for the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities. Now, however, have come some deeper benchmarks for Postgres showing the impact isn't as bad as first thought and is as potentially small as 5%. 2ndQuadrant | Postgres 10.3, 9.6.8, 9.5.12, 9.4.17, and 9.3.22 Released — Billed as the March Security Update Release, these releases mitigate CVE-2018-1058 , a vulnerability describing how a user can create like-named objects in different schemas that can change the behavior of other users' queries and cause unexpected or malicious behavior. | pgcli 1.9.0 Released — A command line interface for Postgres with auto-completion and syntax highlighting. This release adds \pset pager and \T to control output, as well as --list-dsn . Irina Truong | |
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