Getting started with artificial intelligence: A practical guide to building applications in the enterprise
Take a look at the practical aspects of implementing AI in the enterprise. While the title of the book states a focus on building enterprise applications, the majority of the content also applies to startups - really any developer looking to get started with AI could benefit from reading this book.
Create a model and a REST endpoint to let your app detect, locate, and count items in an image
This code pattern demonstrates how to use PowerAI Vision Object Detection to detect and label objects within an image.
Building chatbots in the IBM Cloud - Part 1
Develop your chatbot skills. This video shows you how to get started by creating a Royal Valet chatbot for his majesty Pharaoh Rameses II of ancient Egypt. You'll learn the basics and see how to test your chatbot as you develop it. Best of all, you'll get a pointer to a complete, robust chatbot that illustrates several advanced techniques.
Create a custom visual recognition classifier with Apache Cordova, Node.js, and Watson Visual Recognition
Create a mobile application that takes a picture of vehicle damage and sends it to the insurance company to identify and classify the problem, for example, a flat tire, a broken window, or a dent.
You don't need to be a programmer to create chatbots
The good news is that you don't need to be a PhD computer scientist to create chatbots. In fact, you don't even need to be a programmer.
Get access to more than 100 new code patterns
IBM has released more than 100 IBM Code Patterns, developer packages comprised of code, documentation, and resources for AI, Data, and Cloud developers.
Build a Chatbot with IBM Watson APIs
Build a chatbot with Node.js and the Conversation and Discovery services from Watson. You'll also learn how to set up your bot on the IBM Cloud Platform.
Bot Asset Exchange
Learn more about the Bot Asset Exchange (BAE), which takes a community-driven approach to AI chatbot development. This new exchange enables developers to easily discover, configure, deploy, and be rewarded for bots built with Watson Conversation Service.
Topcoder Cognitive Community
Develop the cognitive technology skills you need. Get access to informational resources, participate in fun challenges, and exchange tips with fellow designers & developers around the world.
Cognitive Builder Faires
Engage with experts from leading research institutes and industry leaders to become the next-level application builder.
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