Wednesday, February 7, 2018

A Throne Made of Lightsabers

A zombie Sith Lord from the North? A sweary droid? Just spitballing here

Form Over Function


First up, free, customizable SVG backgrounds for your perusal and usage [svgbackgrounds].

styled-system [github/jxnblk] offers utilities for styled-components and other CSS-in-JS libraries.

An intro to Formstate [react-etc] that'll give ya type-safe forms in React, via TypeScript.

A draft version of the 3rd edition of Eloquent JavaScript is available [eloquentjavascript].

PWAs are now in Microsoft Edge and Windows 10 []

Scilla, the Queen of the Desert


promises [github/google] is framework from Google that allows for writing asynchronous code in Swift and Objective C, by providing a synchronization construct.

A paper describing Scilla [arxiv], a programming language built to solve security issues in smart contracts.

A guide to testing Node apps using Mocha, Chai and SinonJS [scotch].

How to configure alert notifications using serverless metrics [].

Next.js 5 is available [zeit]. Universal webpack, CSS imports, plus more!

A collection of awesome cheatsheets [github/lecoupa].

We Can Be Heroes, Just for One Day


Websites all kinda look the same, but that doesn't really matter, Chris Coyier argues [css-tricks].

A clever way to test your UI and UX: translate it to a language you don't speak [medium/@amandoabreu].

UIJar [uijar] is a place to find and share inspiring designs.

Best practices for hero images [theblog.adobe].

No Waymo


I woke up this morning to the news that Elon Musk and his merry band of rocket people launched the big rocket successfully! I quickly found myself reading many, many articles about it, so I thought it would make sense to compile the best links into a special edition, available here [versioning.substack].

A bug, since fixed, in Grammarly exposed the extension's tokens to all sites [techspot].

Apple's sending some app developers the wrong ad spend and install data [techcrunch]. Maybe it's a motivational technique?

Twitter, Discord, Pornhub and Gfycat have all banned "deepfakes" (fake pornographic videos of celebrities created with a machine learning algorithm) [motherboard]. Reddit? Not so much.

The Uber v Waymo trial kicked off and the initial revelations have been embarrassing for Travis Kalanick[theverge]. He says some very dramatic, humiliating stuff in company communications. Which is surprising to no-one who's ever read anything about him.

A group of former Google and Facebook employees have created a group called the Center for Humane Technology, to raise alarms about technology hijacking our minds [humanetech].

Tech writer Farhad Manjoo argues the advertising business is the central villain in all of the web's problems[nytimes].

Scientists have created some weird water [nytimes]. My landlord, too!

Need a better memory? Zap your brain, scientists say [quantamagazine]. Well, not in those words exactly, but I read between the lines.

The art of strategy? Saying no [hbr]. If you don't agree with that piece, you know what to do.

Sim Sim City

Everything else (apps, fun tools, gaming, culture, funny stuff)

This NASA team kills spacecraft [theatlantic]. On purpose, obviously.

The first Black Panther reviews are in and after reading the excerpts here I'm still very excited about this film [digg].

Game of Thrones creators Benioff and Weiss are going to create a new series of Star Wars films [starwars]. Someone's told them Star Wars is a family-friendly franchise, right?

An open-source remake of Sim City 2000 [github/rage8885].

Finally, some company called Substack has opened up its tools to enable more creators to produce, distribute and hopefully monetise subscription content [niemanlab]. Ha, and wouldn't you know it? They're running a Product Hunt launch too [producthunt].

If you do start up a publication, let me know - I'm always keen to read more things, hence this job. Good luck!

That's it for me, space cadets, I'll have some more for you tomorrow. Thank you all so much for the support during the Product Hunt launch, and the launch on Substack in general! Your comments and upvotes were all lovely, I appreciate every single one!

Let me know if you have any strong opinions about SpaceX launch post thing I did. I'm thinking of doing more of these online-only posts - it keeps your inboxes a little less cluttered while allowing for a deep dive into a timely/interesting subject. Let me know if you think the idea's worthwhile!

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