Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Teacher's Pet

The full story of the Peter Thiel/New Zealand soap opera, also some other links

Hunt for the Red October

Update on Launch Thingies

We did the Product Hunt launch thing. Feel free to drop by [producthunt] and let the world (the portion that uses Product Hunt, at least) know whether/what you like about the newsletter. Zero pressure whatsoever, I do respect and approve of Product Hunt's non-algorithm-gaming philosophy. Now we're done with that bit - phew!

Gin and Conic


First up, a 2018 guide to using media queries for responsive design [smashingmagazine].

An intro to using conic gradients and CSS variables [csstricks] to create a donut chart for a range input

An awesomely-presented explanation of all things serverless, for front-end devs [thepowerofserverless].

A hands-on tutorial for creating web-powered augmented reality [medium/@urish].

On in 60 Seconds


Automerge [github/automerge] is a JSON-like data structure that allows for collaborative work in JavaScript.

A guide to testing an npm package pre-release, using Verdaccio and ngrok [medium/@strapi].

How to build a full-text search app with Docker and Elasticsearch [blog.patricktriest].

A guide to starting Apache's serverless platform OpenWhisk in 60 seconds [jamesthom.as].

React Native limitations about which every developer should know [simform].

A plea to devs to stop using local storage [rdegges].

How Netflix handles scaling of time series data storage [medium/netflix-techblog].

ServerlessPodcast.com [soundcloud] is a podcast about serverless stuff.

Ch- Ch- Ch- Changes


How to use CloudApp to communicate faster via visuals [sitepoint].

An argument for designing like a teacher [alistapart]. Teachers are cool - we should all do everything the way a teacher would!

Maze [maze.design] lets you create "mazes" for product testers, asking them to attempt various actions so you can test your products UX.

The best UX is no UI [css-tricks].

How product managers can handle change management [blog.nomnom].

Your Sketch library is not a design system [bradfrost].

Coin Toss


There's a bit of speculation that the price of Bitcoin is being propped up by the mysterious Tether cryptocurrency [qz].

Facebook's looking into cryptocurrency ads that seem to be bypassing its ban [motherboard].

Wired goes deep on the formula that keeps you glued to your phone. The same formula may now act as a cure [wired].

How Amazon became a company powered by AI [wired].

Amazon's patented a wristband that'll know if its workers slack off [nytimes].

How Peter Thiel courted, then ghosted, New Zealand in order to secure citizenship in case the world ends [nzherald]. Don't get any ideas, y'all!

Basecamp are doing quite well thank you very much. So rather than look to grow further, they're doing a hiring freeze [m.signalvnoise].

Smashing Magazine's community shares the best advice they've ever received [smashingmagazine].

A Real Hoot

Everything else (apps, fun tools, gaming, culture, funny stuff)

Intel's working on smartglasses that are not awful and that you may actually wear [theverge]. Yay! Another device for ignoring the real world!

This service reveals the type of owls that are near you [owlsnearme]. An excellent use of the internet, in my opinion.

A very factual explanation of the blockchain [twitter/bryceelder]. Did you know the blockchain was stored on an Excel spreadsheet?

The Disconnect [thedisconnect] is a magazine you can only read offline. I haven't read it yet, for obvious reasons.

Backwords [backwords] is a tool for learning a language, using your desktop background.

Finally, the Falcon Heavy launch is at 6am Wednesday, my time. So I'll obviously be setting an alarm, but for those in other timezones, here's the link to the SpaceX livestream [spacex], and here's a background article on what the launch may mean [qz]. Enjoy!

This update is intended for a single subscriber, but occasional forwarding is fine.

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