Sunday, July 16, 2017

Devops Weekly #342

ISSUE #342 - 16th July 2017

A couple of posts from either end of the devops spectrum I feel this week. On one hand a detailed look at writing a business-focused business case for adopting devops practices. On the other a post about the need to improve developer experience when adopting modern serverless technologies.


The definitive guide for DevOps Post-Incident Reviews (AKA - Postmortems). Learn why traditional methods don't work - and why fast incident response isn't enough. Download your free copy of the 90+ page eBook from O'Reilly Media and VictorOps.


DevOps: Cultural and Tooling Tips Around the World

DevOps! One of the most abused terms in the software industry over the last few years. The term can mean something totally different, depending on your role, and your business. Join us for a 30-minute "secret sauce" session to hear customer learnings and best practices from DevOps adopters around the world.


A super in-depth post explaining the role of schedulers in modern infrastructure, and stepping through in detail the process of choosing tooling for a specific real world use case.

A good presentation introducing the concept of sandboxes and then explaining the state-of-the-art when it comes to containers, including some interesting research on generating profiles at build-time.

A useful breakdown of the main serverless platforms; AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions and OpenWhisk. Looking in particular at supported runtimes and costs.

Changing how an organisation works, for instance adopting devops practices, might involve some sort of business case. This next post explains how to keep that argument focused on the business and not on the technology.

An interesting post stressing the need for better developer experience around serverless platforms to deal with newfound operational tasks and abstractions. Some good points about local development needs, dependency management, testing and more.

The nature of the Kuberntes API lends itself to higher-level user interfaces. This post collects a good list of existing options together in one place.

The "at scale' moniker is mainly pointless given it means different things to different people. This post makes that point with a handful of examples.

An interesting look at a virtual machine based setup for deploying unikernels, with some interesting security properties and a decentralised resource delegation mechanism.

A description of managing secrets in Kubernetes and Helm, using a new Helm plugin. Good explanation of the problem and solution.

CNCF - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

KubeCon / CloudNativeCon Austin - Join leading Kubernetes and Cloud Native technologists in Austin for a full range of technology sessions on the cloud native ecosystem.

We sold out in Berlin and are excited to see thousands of you from the community in Austin! Call for papers and registration information linked.

A free multi-week online course from the Linux Foundation which provides an Introduction to Kubernetes. Covers the background, getting up and running with minikube, running your first application, engaging with the community and more.


Full Stack Fest 2017: Problems of today, wonders from the future. Barcelona, 4-8 Sept. 2017

Text: Are you a curious mind? Full Sack Fest is a week-long conference based in the amazing city of Barcelona that peeks into the web of tomorrow. Serverless, Blockchain, WebVR, Distributed Web, Progressive Web Apps... Come and see! Early bird tickets available with a 10% discount using the code DEVOPSWEEK.


K8Guard is an auditing system for Kubernetes clusters. It monitors different entities, like image size, third-party repository usage, missing metadata, etc. on your cluster for possible violations.

Kubicorn is another project in the Kubernetes management space. A library more than a tool to use directly, kubicorn is a new projects but with some interesting design goals.

The definitive guide for DevOps Post-Incident Reviews (AKA - Postmortems). Learn why traditional methods don't work - and why fast incident response isn't enough. Download your free copy of the 90+ page eBook from O'Reilly Media and VictorOps.

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