Tuesday, July 25, 2017

JavaScript-style Test Watchers in PHP? Possible now!

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SitePoint PHP

Why is a string called a string? Who decided that, and when? And how on earth did we, who cannot agree on which Bitcoin software to use or which definition of facade to apply, agree about it? I did some digging and wrote about this ubiquitous term in my most recent post, which you can read here.

In other news, this is goodbye.

"GASP ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Did you get fired Bruno?"

No, we're just shutting down the newsletter. As sorry as I am to see the PHP newsletter go, we'll be continuing - and further developing - Versioning, our popular daily newsletter that has a full run-down of all important news, articles, products and services for web people, including plenty of coverage of PHP. 

If you'd rather a newsletter that focuses on PHP exclusively, and you're somehow not already a subscriber, we can recommend the consistently excellent PHPWeekly, or any other web-related newsletter like DBWeekly, WebOpsWeekly, or PostgresWeekly, all of which go out weekly from the Cooperpress newsletter family. They also have plenty of other weekly newsletters on related web topics.

What about SourceHunt, you may be wondering, if you're one of the few hundred people who had grown to like it and like being pinged about it via the newsletter? Well, SourceHunt is staying as an article type on SitePoint, but also getting a life of its own. So that I don't spam you when we launch, please indicate interest in getting one single email when ready over here.

Bruno ล kvorc
PHP Editor


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