ISSUE #343 - 23rd July 2017
Filesystems, change management, serverless and operations and lots of new container tooling to experiment with. Hopefully something for everyone this week.
The definitive guide for DevOps Post-Incident Reviews (AKA - Postmortems). Learn why traditional methods don't work - and why fast incident response isn't enough. Download your free copy of the 90+ page eBook from O'Reilly Media and VictorOps.
BizOps Done Right: Breaking DevOps Silos to Deliver Great User Experiences
Join this webinar to learn how individual business units in large enterprises embrace DevOps to optimize specific digital touchpoints -- website, mobile apps, and even kiosks -- to deliver an optimized user experience, reduce costs and improve operational efficiency.
A nice case study of migrating from a physical infrastructure to a public cloud, with some practical tips that should be useful to others doing the same.
A thought-provoking piece of some of the differences in approach to change management between ITIL and some devops practices, in particularly looking at error budgets and standard change.
A good post on the impact and potential of serverless on traditional IT operators, with some practical advice for things to consider.
A number of different approaches to building Docker images are cropping up at the moment. This post looks at using the Bazel build tool.
A post describing the Traefik reverse proxy, and why it's particularly suitable for microservice and docker environments.
A look at filesystems, and in particular why ZFS is both the best current choice and somewhat disappointing.
A good set of Kubernetes best-practices which mainly apply to other container-based platforms too. Tips on metadata, building images, process management and more.
Some good tips for developing operable software, focused on Go but much of the content is relevant to other programming environments.
A solid introduction to automated testing. Contains a big-picture overview, some useful discussion of definitions and terms and some examples. Also discusses maintenance of tests, why test and more.
A good write-up from CloudCamp in London a few weeks ago on Serverless and the death of devops. The title is a little tongue-in-cheek but some interesting future observations.
CNCF - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
KubeCon / CloudNativeCon Austin - Join leading Kubernetes and Cloud Native technologists in Austin for a full range of technology sessions on the cloud native ecosystem.
We sold out in Berlin and are excited to see thousands of you from the community in Austin! Call for papers and registration information linked.
The first Sensu summit will be held August 15th and 16th in Portland Oregon. Lots of talks about recent developments, case studies from large users, workshops and time to hack. The organisers have kindly provided a 50% discount for Devops Weekly readers too.
Full Stack Fest 2017: Problems of today, wonders from the future. Barcelona, 4-8 Sept. 2017
Text: Are you a curious mind? Full Sack Fest is a week-long conference based in the amazing city of Barcelona that peeks into the web of tomorrow. Serverless, Blockchain, WebVR, Distributed Web, Progressive Web Apps... Come and see! Early bird tickets available with a 10% discount using the code DEVOPSWEEK.
Kedge is looking to provide a concise application definition for kubernetes. Higher-level than the full API wireformat, Kedge describes a YAML file format which can be expanded by the bundled command line kedge tool.
Jsonnet is cropping up in a number of places for managing configuration so it's nice to see a native unit testing framework.
Buildah is a new tool for building OCI-compatible and Docker-compatible images. It provides a series of commands for building images up, and can also use existing Dockerfiles.
Karn is a tool for creating seccomp and apparmor profiles. It provides a simple TOML based description language and a tool to convert multiple declarations to the more complex profiles.
The definitive guide for DevOps Post-Incident Reviews (AKA - Postmortems). Learn why traditional methods don't work - and why fast incident response isn't enough. Download your free copy of the 90+ page eBook from O'Reilly Media and VictorOps.
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