Design on SitePoint SVG 101: What is SVG? (and what is it actually good for?) Most of us have heard of it, but what is SVG and precisely makes it different from pixel graphics? And is there any reason you should care? [SITEPOINT] 6 Free Material Design CSS Frameworks for 2017 Compared Giannis Konstantinidis lists some great Material Design CSS frameworks and compares them to make it easier for you to choose what best fits your needs. [SITEPOINT] Here are the 5 Things Great Designers Do Differently Web and interface designers are becoming a dime a dozen, Tobi explains what great designers do to stand out from the crowd. [SITEPOINT] A Friendly Introduction to Flexbox for Beginners Christian Krammer walks you through the basics of Flexbox, which you can use to layout specific page elements and also as a fallback method to Grid Layout. [SITEPOINT] 6 Clever SVG Pattern Generators for Your Next Design Though SVG Patterns aren't super widely understood, they offer a lot of really interesting design options – once you get your head around them. [SITEPOINT] How to Optimize and Export SVGs in Adobe Illustrator SVG is a powerful format but you need to make good decisions to get great results. Ivalyo walks you through exporting SVG in Adobe Illustrator. [SITEPOINT] Should Users be Permitted to Disable JavaScript? Craig Buckler takes a renewed look at why, in 2017, some users might disable JavaScript and asks if progressive enhancement is still worth the effort. [SITEPOINT] Podcast: Google Ventures on When Design Sprints Go Bad Lots of companies talk about 'design sprints', but are we all talking about the same thing? Jake Knapp – the man who documented it – has some ideas on that. [SITEPOINT] Fonts and Colors Used by Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and More A cheatsheet of the fonts and colors used by Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Messenger, Snapchat, Instagram and Pinterest, with links to brand asset info. [SITEPOINT] |
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