Friday, July 7, 2017


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versioning sitepoint

Pattern Recognition


Firstly, a friendly introduction to Flexbox [sitepoint].

Here are your options for programmatically documenting your CSS [css-tricks].

6 clever SVG pattern generators [sitepoint].

14 jQuery live search plugins [sitepoint].

7 React libraries about which you should know [readwrite].



A guide to mastering async await in Node.js [blog.risingstack].

How to run feature specs with Capybara in headless Chrome [].

Local by Flywheel [css-tricks] sounds like a good way to do local WordPress development.

How to defend your site with ZIP bombs [sitepoint].

Game On


5 key principles for gamification [uxplanet].

How to design for the Amazon Echo [medium/cbc-digital-labs].

Board Sick


Hackers are targeting nuclear power plants now! [nytimes] Could be espionage, could be sabotage, whatever. This is fine...

Ticketmaster will soon let you in to events if your phone shrieks at the bouncer [venturebeat]. Oh, sure, but when I shriek at a bouncer I'm "causing a scene" and "freaking everyone out" and "eventually beaten to a pulp by the bouncer".

This chair-less chair is actually pretty cool [dezeen]. Now we need table-less tables and magazine-less magazines to match!

What's AI good for? Right now, helping students cheat [wired].

An overview of Apple's augmented reality aspirations, and what they mean for devs and designers [].

An Amazon engineer is letting strangers manage his US $50,000 stock portfolio forever [cnbc]. I'd also like to open up my stock portfolio for ya'll to manage. The first step would be "creating a stock portfolio". Actually, a better one would be "explaining to me what the stock market is and how it works".

Onboarding is the most crucial part of your growth strategy [news.greylock].

How to stop worrying about work when you're on holiday [metro].

Pano Chocolat

Everything else

unsquared [] is an app that'll help you create panoramic photos on Instagram.

Tabledo [tabledo] helps you create dynamic websites from spreadsheets.

Nintendo's launching an iOS app called Nintendo Switch Online, that'll let you communicate with other players, organize matches, and do other online stuff [macrumors]. If anyone wants to team up in Zelda to help me take on some of these Divine Beasts, let's make it happen. Vah Ruta, we're coming for you!

Finally, this sci-fi story about football in the year 17,776 is quite remarkable [sbnation]. Put it this way - I started reading this on my phone and pretty quickly thought the site/phone was broken.


There's Versioning for another week. I'll be back with some more next week. Over the weekend I'll be playing with the stock market. That's what I call my "stock footage enthusiastis" site. It's been less than lucrative so far. I'll actually probably spend the weekend on Zelda, training my two horses (LeBrony and Bojack). Back next week!

Pass this around to ya'll acquaintances!


Curated by Adam.

Wait, why am I here, what is this?

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