Monday, July 10, 2017

Me, Myself and I

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versioning sitepoint

Just My Type


First up, Vitaly Friedman goes on a quest to design the perfect date and time picker [smashingmagazine].

Some alternatives to dropdown menus for mobile forms [medium/@kollinz].

A set of best practices for JavsScript projects [github/wearehive].

Why Reddit uses TypeScript [redditblog].

What's Up, Dock?


7 essential set-up tips for WordPress beginners [sitepoint].

A security checklist for releasing your API [github/shieldfy].

New to Docker? Understand the principles but keep forgetting the detail? Our Docker cheat sheet should help [sitepoint]. You can print it out! I mean, you can print anything on the internet out, but it is actually specifically designed to look good when you do that.

How GitHub handles MySQL testing automation [githubengineering].

An intro to Gatsby 1.0.0 [gatsbyjs], a static-site generator for React.

Blocks [] is a tool for creating 3D models in virtual reality.

Ink [github/vadimdemes] is like React but for command line interfaces.

A guide to analyzing tweet sentiment with PHP machine learning [sitepoint].

Grad' News!


How to get people bought in to a design system [uxdesign].

Framer can now handle gradients [blog.framer].

An unsolicited LastPass redesign [medium/@priyankagupta]. I usually skip these but I use LP every day and always struggle over some aspect of the app.

Today in typography nerds/just plain nerds: iOS 11 is wreaking havoc on the m- and n- dashes [glog.glennf].

Hit the Gas


On Wednesday a bunch of web companies you've definitely heard of (Google, Spotify, Netflix) will protest to try to save net neutrality [motherboard.vice].

Alphabet's investing US $34 billion in a geothermal energy company [businessinsider].

Chatbots actually deliver pretty awful customer service [latenightcoding].

The essential WordPress plugins for solopreneurs [sitepoint].

Me, Myself and I

Everything else

Purp [purpapp] is an app that'll help you achieve your goals. Especially if your goal is "get another app".

Finally, all posts on r/solipsism are written by 'me' [motherboard.vice], which is a very funny joke if you studied Philosophy 101.


Yes indeed, that was Versioning for today (Monday). I will have plenty more for you tomorrow (Tuesday), but until then I'll be chatting to myself in Reddit. Nothing to do with that last link, I just don't really respect anyone else's opinion. Back tomorrow! Bye!

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Curated by Adam.

Wait, why am I here, what is this?

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